
Harrison Central to offer full-time mental health services on site

CADIZ — The Harrison Hills City School District has entered into a partnership with the Southeast Healthcare and the Belmont, Harrison, and Monroe Counties Mental Health and Recovery Board to provide additional full-time mental health services at Harrison Central.

This collaboration places Melissa Summers at the schools as a full-time therapist, ensuring that students have expanded access to crucial mental health support during the year.

Summers, a therapist from Southeast Healthcare, began working in the school district after the start of the new year. With her bachelor of social work and certification in chemical dependency, she brings a wealth of experience in supporting youth. She is on track to graduate with her master’s degree in May, further expanding her expertise and ability to assist students with a variety of mental health needs.

Summers will offer individual and group therapy sessions, implement strength-based interventions and provide emotional support. Her presence is designed to foster an environment of growth, resilience, and emotional well-being for students at Harrison Central Elementary and High schools.

“Working with youth has been an incredibly rewarding experience, allowing me to engage with young minds in a way that fosters growth, learning, and resilience,” said Summers. “I’ve had the privilege of utilizing a range of dynamic interventions, from strength-based approaches to creative problem-solving techniques, each tailored to meet the unique needs of the individuals I work with.”

Through this partnership, the district aims to provide additional mental health support in schools and ensure that students have the resources to thrive academically and emotionally. The initiative is part of the district’s commitment to providing a well-rounded education that includes mental, emotional and social well-being as essential components of student success.


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