
Dave Hilliard inducted into Ohio Military Hall of Fame

A LIFE OF SERVICE — Vietnam veteran Dave Hilliard was inducted into the Ohio Military Hall of Fame during a ceremony held Oct. 17. The Ohio Military Hall of Fame honors Ohio veterans who have received medals for valor. -- Andrew Grimm

STEUBENVILLE — Dave Hilliard has lived a life of service, both during and after his time in Vietnam.

For his acts of valor in the Vietnam War, he was inducted into the Ohio Military Hall of Fame for Valor.

The ceremony took place on Oct. 17 at American Legion Post 274, where Hilliard shared the occasion with several friends and fellow veterans.

Hilliard received two Army Commendation Medals with “V” Device for his service in Vietnam that qualified him for the honor.

In a normal year, the ceremony takes place at the Atrium of the Ohio State House, but, due to COVID-19, it’s been broken up into smaller events spread out across the hometowns of the recipients.

Hilliard was presented the Ohio Medal of Valor during the ceremony by the Hall of Fame’s board of director’s President Ted Mosure, along with receiving a letter of accommodation from Gov. Mike DeWine, among others.

During his speech, Hilliard talked about how Vietnam veterans were treated upon returning home.

“They called us everything but soldiers,” he said, also pointing out that a lot of the improvements made in veterans’ care has happened because of Vietnam veterans. “We were not going to be denied.”

“When you go to Washington and look at that wall, at those 58,315 people, men and women, who made a sacrifice for this country.”

Hilliard talked about working with veterans who suffer from PTSD, which he said he has.

“You never forget what you see, you never forget what happened there,” he said. “Remember that, remember these men and women … on Veterans Day. Think about how you are free. If it weren’t for veterans, there’s a possibility we could be speaking German, or Japanese.

“We are the saviors of our country, our communities and our states.”

(Grimm can be contacted at agrimm@heraldstaronline.com.)


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