Police reports
Steubenville Police
Ho-ho-ho: A caller reported seeing kids climbing on a roof in the 1600 block of Ridge Avenue, Monday. No one was on the roof when police arrived, but the mother again told police she would “make sure the kids stayed off the roof.”
Holiday cheer: A woman in the 2500 block of Cherry Avenue claimed her daughter was destroying their residence, Tuesday. The daughter said mom had been “drinking since 4 p.m. and was extremely intoxicated” and they’d been arguing about “various things” and ended up “punching her mom in the face.” The daughter said she hadn’t been assaulted, but her mom had “an obvious black eye” and told police she wanted to pursue charges. Police charged Macie DeFilippo, 24, with domestic violence.
Mutual combatants: Callers complained of a disturbance in the 400 block of N. 4th Street, Monday. Police said the two women causing the problem admitted they’d been “in a mutual fight.” They said it appeared one of them “was the more aggressive” but the target wasn’t interested in pursuing charges. She said she just wanted to “gather her property and move out of the unit,” so police stood by while she got her things together.
Attention getter: An employee at a Mall Drive business said a man was inside the store causing a disturbance, Monday. Police located the male, who they said appeared sober. He said he didn’t believe there’d been an issue and that he’d paid for all of his purchases, telling police he was “excited that he could afford presents for his children this year.” They said he was moving his body in an odd manner but, based on previous interactions with him, said that was his normal. Cashiers said he had been “acting strange in the store and upon arriving at the cash register threw all of his items onto the counter, which was odd behavior.” They also said he’d “muttered gibberish and profanity,” but agreed he’d paid for all of his purchases. An hour later police were called to a nearby restaurant where staff thought the same man might be intoxicated They claimed he was harassing employees and stole a tip, but his meal was paid for. Police advised him to leave the area.
Charged: Joseph Bracone, 68, 105 Brian St, Mingo Junction, driving while intoxicated and failure to control a motor vehicle, Monday. Police allege Bracone was driving in the 600 block of Lincoln Avenue when he struck a parked vehicle, then traveled off the road and hit a utility pole and a parking sign and then came to rest against a traffic light control box, disabling it. When they arrived, police report Bracone was laying on the ground next to the car and claim they smelled alcohol on his person, hit pupils were pinpointed and his speech slurred.
Party favors: Someone reported hearing what sounded like shots fired in the area of 1100 block of Oregon Avenue, Monday. Police located a man who admitted he set fireworks off for a gender reveal.
Walk-in: A city resident said a male showed up at her property in violation of a protection order, Monday. She said the man walked up to the stairway to the residence but did not enter and attempted to speak with her. She said he left prior to making contact with her and there is no security footage to document his presence, she said.
Cited: Bridget Pieniazek, 61, 120 Aliceland Drive, Wintersville, improper lane change.
Jefferson County Sheriff
Out with the old: A woman in Dillonvale said she came home from the grocery store to find her boyfriend had locked her out of the house where she’d been living for the last four or five months “because he moved in a new female today,” Monday. The woman told deputies she just wanted to get her belongings out of the house. The homeowner said she’s not his girlfriend and was “not supposed to be living at the house.” He said the woman was only supposed to be taking care of the dogs and said if she made a list he would gather her things, but while she was making her list, he brought out a bag of clothing and said that was everything she had in the house. She said she also wanted “her groceries” but he told deputies he bought them.
False alarm: Deputies were told a man staying in the vicinity of township Road 112 left a message on a township machine about taking 150 grams of meth, but when he was finally located the man said he’d been misunderstood, Monday. Deputies said the man said what he was trying to convey was that the methadone clinic in Brilliant had “stopped his 150 mg of Methadone due to an incident he was not involved in.” They said the man “did not give anyone his current location and was uncooperative about giving (that information).”
Strange find: A Steubenville resident found a GPS tracker in her vehicle, Monday. She said she found the tracker in a plastic bag in her back seat “where the buckle and latch plate connected.”
Bothered: A Bergholz woman asked deputies to check on a suspicious male walking around Brenda Circle (Wintersville) requesting AEP information, Monday. Deputies checked the area but were unable to find anyone matching the description they were given.