
Chorale to perform

The Ohio Valley Chorale will present Christmas Traditions, its 2024 Christmas concert directed by conductor Erik Lucas, at 3 p.m. Dec. 15 at the First Westminster Presbyterian Church in Steubenville. The chorale includes 82 singers, the piano, flute, cello and violin. The accompanist will be Bryan Sable. The concert is free to attend, although an offering will be collected to help with expenses. The community is invited to the event. Seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Selections will include, “Arise, Shine,” “Angels We Have Heard on High,” “Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow,” “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” and several other popular Christmas songs. The church is located at 235 N. Fourth St. For information, e-mail ovchorale@gmail.com or visit the Facebook page facebook.com/ovchorale.

— Contributed


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