
Jefferson County JVS students shine at Spotlight on Skills competition

BLOOMINGDALE — Students at Jefferson County Joint Vocational School had their moment to shine during the annual Spotlight on Skills event on Jan. 14.

Pupils in auto collision, automotive service technology, carpentry, computer networking technology, cosmetology, criminal justice, culinary arts, electrical trades, heavy equipment operation, Transition To Work and welding put their skills to use during SkillsUSA competition while animal science management and power mechanics conducted contests for FFA and early childhood education had activities for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. Health technologies and multimedia and design previously held events for Health Occupation Students of America and Business Professionals of America. Professionals in the respective fields judged events and competitions incorporated a variety of work-based skills.

Auto service technology instructor Ron Reasoner, who co-advises SkillsUSA with auto collision tech instructor Russell Achhammer, said school winners moved on to regional events through February and March. Regional winners could then move on to state events and a chance to qualify for nationals. Additionally, the JVS hosted the Region 5 BPA contest on Dec. 11 with seniors C.J. Jordan and Maddison Grimm and junior Katie Wells earning first for visual design team and senior Brylee Blancato scoring first place for computer modeling. They will move on to the state event on March 10-11 in Columbus.

An assembly was held to distribute awards and recipients included the following:

• HOSA CPR/First Aid: Journey West and Brooke Scharfenberg, first; Dana Haynes and Kimber Rogers, second; and Olivia Brousseau and Madison Higgenbotham, third;

• HOSA Physical Therapy: Lilian Gibbons, first;

• HOSA Personal Care: Honorae Dowdell, first;

• HOSA Home Health Aide: Kaylee Sandy, first; Hayleigh Carlier, second; and Cameo Burnworth, third;

• HOSA Nurse Assisting: Chelsea Channels, first; Katie Mavromatis, second; and Daelynn Cordle, third;

• HOSA Phlebotomy: Natalie Stiltner, first; Caitlyn Schiffman, second; and Ava Watkins, third;

• HOSA Clinical Specialty: Brianna Householder, first;

• Cosmetology: Gracie Allietta, first; Aaliyah Neff, second; and Emily Hanlin, third;

• Extemporaneous Speaking: Audrey Nutter, first;

• Prepared Speech: Paige Casto, first, and Memphis Goad, second;

• IT Services (Junior): Damien Burton, first; Anthony Fiala, second; and Conner Phelan, third;

• IT Services (Senior): Janie Bell, first; Noah Baker and Larry Schmidli, second (tie); and Christopher Moodie, third;

•Criminal Justice: Delaney O’Brien, first, and Madison Herdon, second;

• First Aid/CPR: Kaylee Kelley, first; Darrell Dunbar, second; and Kaylee Lasater, third;

• Related Technical Math: Jacob Gilbo, first; Robert Koehnlein, second; and Raymond Drewett, third;

• FFA Ag Mechanics (Junior): Carter Stringer, first; Marek Speece, second; and Austin Fetty, third;

• FFA Ag Mechanics (Senior): Adam Dinger, first; Landon Stull, second; and J.J. Riley, third;

• FFA Vet Sciences (Junior Team): Quinn Filby and Karly Koran, first; Bre Ferguson and Aaliyah Duke, second; and Lily Spencer and Bralee Thomas, third;

• FFA Vet Sciences (Senior Team): Kat Grizzel and Mya Keenan, first; Katelyn Cain and Kyleigh Haines, second; and Kristina Parks and Kaitlyn Kelley, third;

• FCCLA Observation and Assessment: Peyton Ewing, first;

• FCCLA Lesson Presentation: Raeni Kerr and Hannah Sherbondy, first; Raelynn Woodworth, second; and Kamryn Wood and Ashlynn Hess, third;

• FCCLA Language and Literacy: Claire Watkins, first; Alyssa Bonecutter, second; and Ava Carey, third;

• FCCLA Focus on Children: Kaley Beebe, first;

• FCCLA Curriculum Unit: Adelynn DeGarmo, first; Madison West, second; and Bella Price, third;

• Collision Repair Technology: Kylie Chevalier, first; Robert (Sam) McGuire, second; and Nathan Sempkowski, third;

• Automotive Refinish Technology: Savannah Bookman, first; Libby Berthot, second; and Mason Sedgmer, third;

• Virtual Design Team: C.J. Jordan, Maddison Grimm, Nick Sparks and Riley Minadeo, first; Lily Pool, Katie Wells, Kylie Stewart and Alivia Marcum, second; and Zechariah Murphy, Chuck Carter, Alex Marshall and Kayden Hanle, third;

• Construction Electrical Wiring: Lane Fomenko, first; Jacob Devore, second; and Konner Leishman, third;

• Industrial Motor Control: Chris Ebright, first; Harley Kemp, second; and James Hess, third;

• Heavy Equipment Operations: Tanner Waggoner, first; Brodie Yeager, second; and Gage Harris, third;

• Welding Sculpture: Austin Springer, first; James Presley, second; and Seth Driscoll, third;

• Welding: Walon Hayes, first; Kylvin Merideth, second; and Teddy Clark, third;

• Welding Fabrication: Hayden Aggers, Jerlyn Hirschfield and Charles Layman, first; Elijah Bright, Eli Kuczykowski and Chris Parks, second; and Rylie Irizary, Blaine Wade and Landyn Babel, third;

• Culinary Arts: Olivia Johnson, first; Gabriel Crawford, second; and Colton Cain and Kaiden Cook, third;

• Auto Service Technology: Maxwell Constantine, first; Thomas Search, second; and Rafael Lash, third.


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