
Local hoops players have successful showcase

The Ohio Valley Hornets AAU Basketball Club in Weirton held its first Fall Ball All-Star Game on Oct. 20, giving local players a chance to play in front of scouts and college coaches. Participating were, front, from left, Maci Isaly (River), Gabby Taylor (Indian Creek), Lexie Keiser (Barnesville), Lizzie Mitchell (Brooke), Ady Stull (Harrison Central), Abigail Carpenter (Edison) and Kayla Koehnlein (Edison); and back; coach Rae Ann Sowers, Maddie Sedgmer (Harrison Central), Aleah Wozniak (Tuscarawas Central), Kaydence Walker (Indian Creek), Zara Harveth (Bellaire), Aubree Cottrell (Claymont), Emma Krise (Cambridge), Emma Webster (Meadowbrook), head girls coach Paul Buffington, Tamya Morgan (Bellaire), Ava Frank (Avella), head boys coach Preston Stull, Aubrey Warder (Magnolia), and Kylie Anderson (Indian Creek). – Contributed


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