

CompuServe efforts earn recognition


Though it might be remembered these days only by those who knew a world before the internet, CompuServe was the gateway to the World Wide Web for hundreds of thousands of us in the early 1990s. And that gateway was opened right here in Ohio — Upper Arlington, to be exact. In December, the ...

Region’s residents make a difference


As a holiday gift to Appalachia’s 26.3 million residents, the Appalachian Regional Commission has released a report detailing what it has done for them during the past few years. According to the ARC, “The report highlights 10 successful grant projects as case studies, demonstrating the ...

Letters, we get letters

Local Columns

If you think residents of the Tri-State Area are not passionate about the communities they live in and the issues that affect them, you are wrong. And if you are skeptical about that, you need look no further than the letters to the editor and guest columns that we run each week. The ...

Here’s hoping 2024 will be a good year


With the beginning of every year comes a sense of hope and the feeling that the future ahead of us is at least a little brighter than the past that is behind us. That’s the case as we say farewell to 2023 and welcome 2024. We see that there are plenty of positive things on the horizon. ...

War, with no end in sight

Letters to the Editor

To the editor: Four-thousand years later, the game is the same. Israel is at war — Hamas is to blame. When war rules the day, death is at hand. There are 20,000 souls weeping with no end in sight. It’s hard to defend indiscriminate killing other than to say it’s a crime. We’re ...

Why a dog license is important to my family

Local Columns

I chose to write the above article for the following reason: The Friday night before Christmas, my 14-year-old dog got loose. And I didn’t know what to do except panic. I have no idea how it happened. But my best guesstimate would be it occurred when someone came over and left the back door ...