
Maybe it’s just me, but … I wish I would’ve …

Maybe it’s just me, but I wish I would have traveled and seen the world. Or at least certain parts of it.

But I ended up staying in my hometown … the very place I was born.

I think the farthest I have moved was across town to the other end of the Gem City several years ago before I had my third son.

Somehow, I ended up back at the end of the block from the house where I was born.

Funny how that happens, although it isn’t really comical.

How does life pass us by so quickly? Before we realize it, more than half or most of our time is in the rear view mirror of life.

And we wish we would have done so much more than what we actually accomplished.

We blinked.

Now, Rome is just a missed opportunity I will never know, one of the many places I will not visit.

The stewardess (or should I say flight crew member in order to be politically correct, because I certainly wouldn’t want to offend a stewardess,) would have had to knock me unconscious if I were ever to board an airplane, though.

Terrifying doesn’t even begin to describe that concept to me.

But apparently you can’t get to Italy by bus. Or train, or car or boat.

Hence the need for a person on the plane to render me incapacitated for the duration of the flight.

I won’t have to worry about that, however — it will be another unchecked mark that will remain undone on my bucket list.

Does anyone have a bucket list? I’m just wondering if that is something people really do.

If you do, I would love for you to send me a copy. I find it interesting the things others want to have done during their lifetime.

I never had much on mine.

It’s more of a mental list, though. You will never discover a copy of it lying among my meager possessions.

Maybe it’s just me, but I have always wanted to go watch the Masters tournament.

Golf was my outlet whenever I used to have panic attacks years ago. It’s very calming and about the only sport I will watch.

I would have loved to have watched Phil Mickelson play in the Masters. That would have been something.

Tickets are ridiculously-priced, though.

Maybe that is why people think it is an elitist sport and one in which only entitled rich people are usually the ones playing on the best courses in the world.

On the bright side, I suppose you get a better view while watching on your television set at home.

So, again, another unchecked box on the list.

Maybe it’s just me, but I would have loved to have seen Meatloaf in concert again.

My all-time favorite singer.

Fortunately, (a word I seldom use) I did have the chance to see him perform at the Benedum Center a long time ago.

He was wonderful. He was exceptional. He was brilliant.

There will never be another like him. When he died, my heart broke.

I figured maybe God asked him to come home so he could receive a personal concert, just for him.

We all have that one group, that one band or artist who can never be replaced.

For my mom, I believe it was Tom Petty.

I know I bought her tickets to his concert a few years ago but she decided not to go. She was afraid it would be difficult to drive into and out of Pittsburgh, walk through the parking lot into the venue, etc.

So she gave her tickets away.

And the leader of the Heartbreakers died shortly after.

I know she regretted not going.

Who wouldn’t?

Hindsight always makes us realize what we should have done.

I hate hindsight. Maybe it’s just me, but I sure wish we knew what we should have done differently long before it is actually too late to do anything about it.

For anyone who may be saying to themselves, “Maybe it’s just me, but I wish …”

I hope you find it within yourself to do it one day, and I hope you are able to achieve it.

Should anyone visit Rome, please take a photo and think of me.

Should anyone attend a PGA cahmpionship, get a couple autographs and remember me.

And should anyone hear Meatloaf sing live before I get the chance, tell him his No. 1 fan misses him.

(Stenger is the community editor for the Herald-Star and The Weirton Daily Times newspapers. She can be contacted at jstenger@heraldstaronline.com.)


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