
Concerns about Trump’s agenda

To the editor:

On Jan. 6, four years to the day when supporters of then-President Donald J. Trump, who were fully inspired and directed by the then-president to engage in a violent coup on the U.S. Capitol in order to attempt to illegally keep Trump in power, Congress certified Trump’s victory in the 2024 presidential election, and Kamala Harris, who in her position as the current vice president presided over the Senate and graciously stated in her official acknowledgment of the recent presidential election, which she lost to Trump, that “Today, America’s democracy stood,” and, as a result, her unquestioned patriotism in support of the Constitution and rule of law were on full display.

However, Trump, after all of these years and with absolutely no evidence whatsoever to substantiate his ludicrous claims that the 2020 presidential election was rigged against him, continues to refuse to face reality and concede that he did, indeed, lose the aforementioned election to Joe Biden, not even for the good of our great country, placing, as per his usual, his massive ego over reality, and refusing to respect the will of the American voters.

In addition, incoming President Trump has made it abundantly clear that he intends to grant major pardons and commutations of sentences for many of the more than 1,250 rioters who had stormed the Capitol upon Trump’s urging, and committed countless violent acts on law enforcement and other innocent people and, as a result, were legally convicted on serious charges on that fateful day.

Obviously, Trump has no respect for the rule of law, and also has a very questionable concept of reality, as he has oftentimes referred to these rioters as “peaceful protesters,” “patriots” and “political prisoners,” and claiming that such violent actions taken to overturn the unquestionable fair and legitimate election on Jan. 6, 2021, was simply “a day of love.”

Also, Trump has stated that upon his return to the White House on Monday that he is seriously considering ordering the takeover of Greenland and the Panama Canal, and says that he plans to possible annex Canada as our 51st state, which would be completely un-American and very much Putin-like.

Richard Hord

Martins Ferry


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