
Caveat emptor, suckas

To the editor:

Many who never voted for Donald Trump before, did so in November’s election. Now that he’s about to begin his second term, I wonder how many are experiencing buyer’s remorse. Are you getting what you voted for?

Since November, some who rely on ACA for affordable health care and guaranteed coverage of pre-existing conditions have just learned that ACA actually is the Obamacare they cheered Trump promising to abolish, and they’re rightfully scared. It’s not what they thought they wanted. Putting sick people at risk: Is that what you voted for?

Candidate Trump promised to, “rapidly drive prices down and make America affordable again,” saying about costs, “You just watch. They’ll come down fast.” He now admits he’s probably unable to lower prices. In a recent interview he said, “It’s hard to bring things down once they’re up. You know, it’s very hard.” Is that what you voted for?

About tariffs he said, “It’s not going to be a cost to you. It’s going to be a cost to another country.” However, he now admits his tariffs will almost certainly cause higher prices. Is that what you voted for?

Before his first four-year tenure, Trump promised increased spending on veterans’ health care, and during that term he kept the promise. However, Trump’s pick to head the Pentagon, Pete Hegseth, is pushing to slash veteran health benefits. Is that what you voted for?

Speaking of the Pentagon, another oft-repeated Trump promise was, “I’m not going to start wars. I’m going to stop wars.” Yet, he’s threatening to invade Panama, and when asked about the chances of going to war with Iran in a post-election interview, he said, “Anything can happen. It’s a very volatile situation.” Is that what you voted for?

One promise he apparently intends keeping is deporting brown people. Since his election, he’s begun hinting at his plan. I doubt many of you thought it would include stripping already naturalized and some native-born Americans of their citizenship in violation of the 14th Amendment, or maybe you did. Is that what you voted for?

Then there’s Project 2025. Trump distanced himself from the Republican manifesto during the campaign, but now he’s put many of its authors in position to implement their agenda. This includes dismantling the social safety net including the Social Security many are relying on for retirement. Is that what you voted for?

I know many Trump voters follow Q-Anon and rightly loathe child sex-slavery. I’m curious, when you voted for him, did you expect Trump to invite abusers of women and accused child-sex traffickers, as well as dog killers, and known Russian kompromat into the White House staff? Is that what you voted for, or was Trump the only dog-hating, lady-part-grabbing, alleged child-raping, Putin-owned convict you meant to place in the oval office inner-sanctum?

It’s too late to fix your mistake now, but in the 2026 mid-term elections, you have a chance to demonstrate that you’ve wised-up and reconsidered.

Don’t screw it up again.

J. David Core



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