
Thanks for a great season

To the editor:

Today is Nov. 26. It is nine months since my son and best friend passed away.

My son is Anthony Gaylord DiCarlantonio. It was his 36th birthday.

It is pain I would not wish on anybody.

As anyone who knows me (and my Anthony) knows, I am a huge Big Red fan. We just finished up with football. What an awesome season we had.

My Anthony and I went to every game together. It included my dad and Anthony’s Pap before he passed away.

This year I had to go by myself. It was so hard, but I went to every game and cheered Big Red on.

Being part of Big Red nation is so special.

This year was so different, and I want to thank the Big Red football team for giving me so much joy and looking forward to Friday nights.

What a great group of boys (young men.) RRR.

Sara Gaylord DiCarlantonio



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