Merry Christmas to everyone
To the editor:
Merry Christmas to all active military, veterans, first responders and all MAGA supporters.
It’s just 864 hours from Sunday before the Democratic four-year plague on America is exterminated, but who’s counting?
Stop the presses: Joe Biden lies again.
He spouted no one was above the law, stating he would not pardon son, Hunter, a dope-addicted, sex-crazed degenerate who was found guilty of tax evasion and illegal gun charges who slept with his brother’s widow and got her hooked on drugs. Biden said Hunter did nothing wrong, yet pardoned him back to 2014. Biden bloviates pay your fair share in taxes. Hunter just got off having to pay millions. Biden is still revealing his corrupt, crooked ways. Are there any proud Biden Democrats left?
Kamala Harris tells supporters, “Don’t let anyone take your power.”
What a knucklehead — more than 74 million people took her power. She has a low IQ, just like Joe, but he has an excuse — old age.
Enough about them, they’re relegated to history’s garbage heap.
Donald Trump-hating Democrat females are shaving their heads, not having sex with males and removing their fallopian tubes.
Do they realize they’re making conservatives happy (and many of their husbands) by not reproducing while reducing abortion rates?
Why are most top personnel seeking lawyers if they did no wrong? Innocent people don’t need pardons or lawyers.
It’s cheaper and safer to deport illegals than to support them.
The photo in the Dec. 1 Herald-Star showing the Steubenville tree lighting is a perfect metaphor for the rebirth of We the People. It’s a new beginning — everyone feels it, but Democrats won’t acknowledge it.
Richard Hord’s letter of Nov. 17 (“A welcome return to protocol”) states Trump claims his 2020 loss was rigged. I guess he forgot that loser Hillary Clinton has been writing books and still emits groans she was cheated. He claims Harris was gracious to concede — yeah, just like Clinton, and a day late and 4 million votes short.
Another Biden lackey, Christopher Wray, the FBI director, has resigned — he was probably promised a pardon.
In David Core’s letter “Read more, react less,” (Dec. 8) he double-talks and tries to contextualize why he used a female bathroom with transgender woman using women restrooms. Some people can’t define what a woman is, so I understand his confusion. He admits he visits Google and Wikipedia for his facts, and tries to impress us by using scientific terms about sexuality. Here is something we all can understand: Those pretending to be a woman who were born without two XX chromosomes, a uterus, ovaries, mammary glands, never will have a menstrual cycle but have a prostate, testicles and XY chromosomes will never be a female no matter how many operations they have, medications they take or bras, panties, wigs or tuck-in bathing suits they have in the closet.
I’m a Christian, white, unwoke straight male gun owner, meat eater, anti-abortionist, closed border, America first Trump supporter — how else can I wish Democrat mourners a Merry Christmas?
Barry Bardone