
Biden not a tragic figure

To the editor:

Democrat James Carville described Joe Biden as “the most tragic figure in modern politics.” Biden can best be described as corrupt, incompetent, arrogant, immoral and deceitful. What Biden and his Democrats have done to our country is tragic.

Biden claimed to be an expert on foreign policy. Under his “leadership” there were the botched Afghanistan withdrawal; the Ukraine-Russian war; the terrorist attacks on Israel where hostages, including Americans, have been held for over a year; and Iran making threats.

Biden’s policies to support the pseudoscience of climate change have resulted in the U.S. losing its energy independence, high prices for electricity and natural gas and attempts to make us all buy unreliable and expensive electric cars.

Biden’s economy is worse than Carter’s, even though Biden claims that economists say his economy is better than Trump’s economy. Prices for all goods have increased. There are stories about people spending more money for Christmas this year, but the articles do not say that the reason is because the prices of everything have gone up. Many people are using their credit cards for routine purchases.

In my November letter I gave examples of Biden’s DEI administration. As for women’s rights, Biden changed Title IX to take away the rights of biological females to engage in sports with only biological females. Females have been injured by males claiming to be females and must share locker rooms with those biological males.

Biden opened the border and millions of unvetted persons are roaming freely in our country, many being supported by our tax dollars. Known terrorists, gang members and criminals are committing crimes against Americans. Over 300,000 children cannot be found.

Biden has ignored our homeless veterans and families who have lost everything during natural disasters, who deserve help from the government.

The House Oversight Committee has been investigating the Biden crime family. Joe used his son, Hunter, as the family “bag man,” selling influence to foreign countries. Money has been given to many members of the family under questionable circumstances. Now Joe has pardoned Hunter for a period of 11 years, believing that this will stop the investigation, but the investigation will continue. Will Biden pardon the entire crime family?

The way that Democrats interact with people who hold different beliefs is tragic. Rather than debate the facts, Democrats make disparaging remarks about people who hold different beliefs. This has happened to me because of my letters to the editor. I am a retired nurse educator with a Ph.D in nursing. I know how to evaluate websites to determine if they are up-to-date and credible sources. I know how to evaluate research studies to determine if they are valid and reliable sources. I only use valid and reliable sources which do not include Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a source that can be modified by persons who may not have valid and reliable information. That is why it is not a credible source.

Jan. 20 cannot come soon enough.

Michaelene A. King



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