
Good-bye, woke administration

To the editor:

The garbage has spoken. The deplorables put down their guns and bibles and submitted their ballots. Trump was overwhelmingly chosen to be our president for the next four years.

The woke are unhappy. Prior to election day, a local writer gave 10 woke ideas to consider before casting your ballot. Let’s examine two of those woke ideas.

“Human gender’s not strictly binary; chromosomes are not the sole indicator of sex.” In high school biology I learned that gender was determined by the 23rd set of chromosomes, the sex chromosomes.

A female has two X chromosomes, and a male has one X and one Y chromosome. This information was reinforced in my college biology and anatomy and physiology courses. I also learned that each person has sex hormones which determined secondary sex characteristics and brought about maturation of the organs that would lead to the ability to procreate.

All people have the same hormones, but in different amounts. Males have a larger amount of testosterone, which leads to such characteristics as facial hair and a deeper voice. Females have larger amounts of estrogen and progesterone which causes the breasts to enlarge and menstrual periods. These hormones play an active role during pregnancy as well. A person taking the hormones of the opposite gender does not determine the person’s gender, it only changes some of the secondary sex characteristics. Males cannot become pregnant as they do not have the appropriate organs or hormones to ensure pregnancy. Mutilating one’s body and taking hormones of the opposite gender does not change one’s gender. It only changes one’s appearance.

“The Bible’s not anti-abortion.” I admit that I have been studying the Bible, but I have not read the entire Bible. I have not seen a lot of medical terminology in the Bible. The word abortion is a medical term which means “termination of pregnancy” (Taber’s Medical Dictionary.) In Exodus, God gave the 10 Commandments to Moses to share with the Hebrews. One of those commandments is “Thou shalt not kill.” There are many people who believe that abortion is killing an innocent human being. Those people believe that the Bible is anti-abortion.

Democrats, the mainstream media and some RINOs are criticizing several of Trump’s picks for his cabinet. They are calling these people unqualified. Let’s look at some of Biden’s woke picks: Kamala Harris failed at every job she was given. Pete Buttigieg was a town mayor who became transportation secretary. He took paternity leave during the supply chain crisis and the airlines are in terrible shape. Sam Brinton, the man who wore dresses and red lipstick, was chosen to work in the Energy Department. He lost his job only after stealing women’s suitcases and wearing their clothing. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin “disappeared” to have major surgery and did not tell anyone. These are examples of Biden’s woke choices.

Trump is choosing qualified candidates who believe it is their job to serve the American people. Trump’s administration will fix the Biden disasters.

Michalene King



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