
Vote Brown for Senate

To the editor:

If you’re like me, thinking about pumpkins seems like the natural order of things. Take the Great Pumpkin Flood of Nov. 10, 1810, that brought high water to what was then Charlestown, Va. — now Wellsburg, W.Va. Early November winds and snow ushered in the winter of 1779-80, the most terrible known in America. So, the climate has changed, with it the political climate as well.

The marquee event of the 2024 campaign season is Harris v Trump but on the under card is an event that the U.S. Senate Historical Office says has never happened. It now looks very possible that both the House and the Senate will flip in 2024, putting the “out” party back in control in each chamber in 2025.

What does this mean? With Democrats back in control of the House, they can begin impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump, who will have lost the popular vote in three straight elections. Immediately. Then the constitutional issue is that if the Senate, which has the sole power over holding an impeachment trial and will be controlled by the Republicans, will have to accept the articles of impeachment presented to them by the full House and if they accept them, do they have to act on them?

America will be a very different place if Trump is elected after Jan. 20, with the Project 2025 right-wing agenda plan waiting in the wings. On July 2, Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts created controversy by saying, “we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

Many raised their right hand to Hitler in 1930s Germany. What is taking place on Fox News closely resembles what took place with radio position in small German towns in the 1930s. It’s propaganda, not true news coverage. Elon Musk, the tech billionaire, is pledging to give away $1 million a day to voters for signing his political action committee’s petition.

I have a long history with the Brown family of Ohio, dating back to 1983 when I first met Sen. Sherrod Brown’s older brother, Charlie Brown, in the White Room of the Governor’s Mansion.

Later, I was honored to serve as a volunteer for his attorney general campaign in West Virginia. Charles G. Brown was the only political leader to ever select me to head his or her campaign in Brooke County in 44 years. I went to school at the then-Jefferson Technical College and am asking my classmates to cast a ballot for Sherrod Brown.

This country needs Brown in the Senate.

Vote Brown for Senate in Ohio.

Michael Traubert



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