Utilize our natural resources
To the editor:
Ohio has seen an influx of economic growth thanks to the development of natural gas, which can provide reliable and affordable energy for families, farmers and factories for generations.
By developing its natural resources, Ohio is providing greater access to local jobs with family-sustaining wages and creating new opportunities in construction and power generation. More than 19 new clean-burning natural gas power plants are now operating or under construction statewide, providing jobs, diversifying the energy grid and decreasing utility costs.
The natural gas industry has not only boosted disposable income but also saved residential consumers statewide, almost $15 billion between 2006 and 2016, according to recent reports. Industrial and commercial consumers have saved about $25.3 billion, growing businesses. These savings are being invested back into communities and are sending energy-intensive businesses like steel producers and fertilizer manufacturers a message: Set up shop in Ohio.
That’s why leaders from both sides of the aisle must work together to support balanced policies that utilize our natural resources, produce jobs and safeguard the environment.
Chris Ventura
Ohio state director
Consumer Energy Alliance