
Sharing progress around the region

As you look through the pages of the first installment of our annual Progress Edition that is inside today’s paper, you will find a real sense of optimism — a great deal of which is being driven by the men and women who have important roles in the region’s economic growth.

“We need to think regionally, not just in terms of our own city or county,” explains Jefferson County Commissioner Tony Morelli.

“We’ve been preaching a regional approach to development,” adds Brooke County Commissioner A.J. Thomas.

And, according to Hancock County Commissioner Eron Chek, “I’m hearing optimism from businesses and the general public. Businesses are interested in moving into the area, so that’s an indicator everyone is confident in the direction, it’s supported.”

Those words help to demonstrate there are some very positive developments taking part in all part of the Tri-State Area.

It’s that sense that things are moving forward, the feeling that there’s reason to be positive not just about the present, but about the future, that makes this year’s Progress Edition an important publication.

Our annual comprehensive examination of the region will be presented in five installments during February, beginning today, when we offer an outlook of what lies ahead. On Feb. 9, you’ll find out what’s happening in our communities, in retail and in financial services, while on Feb. 16, you’ll get a chance to learn how tourism affects the region.

We’ll look at health and education on Feb. 23, with the final installment, on Feb. 28, focusing on business, industry and transportation.

You’ll also find profiles about several local businesses and a look at what goods and services they offer.

Each of the stories in this year’s edition shows that residents of our area remain committed to expanding their business and are willing to work hard to make sure the region remains a strong and vibrant place to raise their families.

The stories are positive and show there is a foundation being laid for a strong future — and we’re proud to be able to share them with you.


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