WSO gearing up for the next ‘Potter’ performance

READY FOR SHOW — Sponsors and Wheeling symphony leaders who were at the Capitol Theatre Tuesday include, from left, Mike Robinette, Sonja Thoms, Douglass Harrison, Jess Rine and Beth Kuhn. -- Contributed
WHEELING — The Wheeling Symphony Orchestra once again will bring the magic of the Wizarding World to the Friendly City next weekend in the second installment of its Harry Potter Film Concert Series.
Directed by Maestro John Devlin, the WSO’s music director, the symphony will play John Williams’ Grammy-nominated score live as “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” plays on a 40-foot screen onstage.
The all-ages performance at 2 p.m. Jan. 18 follows last year’s showing of the first movie in the beloved series, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” which was the first WSO show to sell out in more than 10 years.
Those involved with the symphony say the film series has been a huge hit with audience members and this year’s show is expected to sell out as well.
“You’ll see the Harry Potter movie and you’ll hear the orchestra playing the soundtrack live, so it’s really special, and I think it’s just intriguing to people to see an orchestra live and see how impactful the music really is for films,” WSO Executive Director Sonja Thoms said.
Around 75 musicians have been practicing independently for the performance, Thoms said. Meanwhile, Devlin has been studying the 500-page score for months to ensure it can be properly synched to the three-hour movie.
During the performance, Devlin will follow along with the film by wearing an earpiece and watching the film on a smaller screen in order to conduct the musicians to come in at the right cues. This requires a lot of technical coordination, Thoms said. WSO has rented high definition movie-grade projectors for the event and will bring in a video team as well as a Harry Potter audio engineer to ensure everything runs smoothly.
The orchestra will come together for just two full group rehearsals next week ahead of the show.
“The coordination and bringing it all together — there’s a lot that has to work right. But it’s really phenomenal when it does,” Thoms said.
Before the film concerts, which initially kicked off with “Jurassic Park” two years ago, WSO did a series of performances of Harry Potter soundtrack music. This proved to be a success and prompted them to select the first movie last winter.
“Harry Potter has that cross-generational appeal that parents can bring their kids to see. So we thought, “great, let’s go on with the second movie,” Thoms said.
WVU Wheeling Hospital is one of the sponsors of the show and hospital president and CEO Douglass Harrison said the area was fortunate to enjoy this experience.
“We’re very lucky in Wheeling to have the symphony, usually market sizes this small don’t retain the symphony so we want to make sure (it’s) around for everybody to enjoy,” he said. “When we had an opportunity to sponsor we said yes.”
Harrison said his daughters are huge Harry Potter fans and he hopes to take them to the upcoming show.
“People walk out of the theater at the end of the night just in awe of what they have seen and that’s kind of my favorite part is seeing the audience’s reactions to this,” Thom said.
A few tickets are still available for purchase at but they are selling fast, Thoms said.
She advised those seeking a ticket to purchase only directly through the symphony’s website as there are several unauthorized sellers scamming purchasers with fake tickets.