
Offering a taste of Weirton

CVB, Chamber team up for Restaurant Week, Feb. 2-8

WEIRTON — Area residents are encouraged to seek out some local flavor during Weirton Restaurant Week.

Scheduled from Feb. 2-8, Weirton Restaurant Week is being organized by the Top of West Virginia Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Weirton Area Chamber of Commerce as a way to celebrate the local dining scene.

“Our area really has a lot to offer,” noted CVB Executive Director Rachel Keeney. “If you’re a fan of a particular restaurant, this could be a great time to get out and support them.”

Representatives of the CVB and Chamber are contacting eateries who are members of either of the organizations to participate, with a goal of having at least 10 set to take part.

Restaurants will be asked to feature special menu offerings, including limited-time dishes, or a selection of discounts or other deals.

Restaurants interested in taking part also may sign up by completing a submission form available online at https://www.topofwv.com/weirton-restaurant-week-sign-up/ The deadline to register is Jan. 22.

Chamber President Brenda Mull said the week was selected as this time of year often is slower for restaurants, with cold weather discouraging people from going out.

It also, typically, is a lull in activity between the holiday season and Valentine’s Day and the beginning of spring activities.

“We’re blessed to have as many restaurants in the area as we do,” Mull said, noting Restaurant Week is a time when the community can come together. “We want to support them and for the community to support them as well.”

As part of the observance of Restaurant Week, those who opt to dine at one of the participating restaurants will have an opportunity to win prizes.

Those who save their receipts from a participating restaurant during Restaurant Week can turn them in to the CVB offices, located at 243 Three Springs Drive, Suite 1, Weirton, to be entered into a drawing for gift cards.

Patrons also are encouraged to take and share pictures of them during their dining experiences through social media, and offer online reviews of the restaurants.

“This also helps the businesses,” Keeney said.

Information about participating restaurants and their offerings will be made available at a later time.


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