Todoroff bids farewell to Indian Creek schools

Denise Todoroff
MINGO JUNCTION — Indian Creek Local School District Treasurer Denise Todoroff bid farewell after more than 22 years on the job.
Todoroff, a Wintersville resident, attended her final school board meeting at Indian Creek Middle School on Dec. 19 and officially wraps up her tenure at the end of the month, and she was thankful for the opportunity she received in the longtime position.
“I’m so grateful for everyone I’ve worked with,” she said. “I’m truly honored to have worked here with great people.”
The Adena native and alumna of Buckeye West High School received her degree from Kent State University. She served with Indian Creek since May 1, 2002, and said there were many highlights during her tenure, one of which was the recent construction of the new Indian Creek High School and Cross Creek Elementary, as well as the renovation of Hills Elementary. Todoroff also noted some lower moments from which the district has bounced back.
“We came together and worked hard as a community and were able to pass the bond issue and build buildings and upgrade facilities. Without these buildings, there are things we wouldn’t be able to offer the students,” Todoroff continued, citing career-technical programs and more.
She plans to spend time with her growing family, which includes her new granddaughter, Sophie. Todoroff was ready to pass the torch to successor Adam Lewis and has full confidence in his abilities.
“Adam’s going to do a great job. He has experience and he’s going to move the district forward.”
School leaders praised her for her efforts through the years and said she was a vital part of the district.
Superintendent T.C. Chappelear said Todoroff has been a major support during his tenure, adding that she has always considered the needs of the district and its students.
“She was there to help me assimilate into the position,” he added. “During my time working with Denise, I’ve used her as a sounding board for ideas and for financial situations. She was always helpful giving her opinions and I appreciate the fact that she always had the fiscal side but was also able to have the heartbeat of the community and school in mind.”
Assistant Superintendent John Belt said Todoroff has been a memorable part of the district and was dedicated to her duties.
“She’s arguably the best treasurer in the state,” he said. “It’s been a real pleasure working with her. I’m confident Adam will pick up the mantel but we’ll all going to miss Denise.”
Board President Dr. Ted Starkey concurred.
“She’s been great. She’s been awesome to work with,” he said. “I believe we have an able replacement (in Lewis) and I have no trepidation about the treasurer of Indian Creek Local School District in the future.”
Board member Dr. John Figel chimed in that Todoroff came on board during a critical time and helped Indian Creek weather through difficulties.
“From day No. 1 when I came on board to attend the first board meeting in Columbus, they said, ‘Make sure you have a good treasurer.’ We had a good treasurer before, but you grew into this position and I don’t think people realize what you’ve done. You did a tremendous job.”
“Through my years of being principal and assistant principal at Indian Creek, working with you has been amazing,” said board member Steve Cowser.
Even Lewis was grateful to work with Todoroff, saying she has prepared him well for the role.
“It’s been a great working experience with Denise and I’ve been learning from her,” Lewis said. “I wish her well in her retirement.”
But Todoroff said everyone did their part to make the district run successfully and she was appreciative to be included.
“I’m very fortunate and we have great people in the district. I appreciate you support and we’ve all worked well together,” she added. “I’m honored that you trusted me to do this job for so long.”
Among other matters, the board:
• Heard from Indian Creek Education Association President Joe Hammack, who discussed recently attending an Ohio Education Association meeting in Columbus and learning about legislative issues;
• Heard from district Food Service Director Nicole Marshall that schools celebrated with turkey and ham carvings respectively for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and a lunch box program resulted in increased meals at the elementary schools, plus more events are planned with soup offerings for teachers on Fridays. She added that applications were made to add some new kitchen equipment;
• Discussed a thank-you letter from the Trinity Health System Foundation for a $1,500 donation to the Trinity Emergency Assistance Relief Fund with proceeds from school fundraisers;
• Approved Micah DiCarlo as a cafeteria worker on the classified substitute list;
• Approved a supplemental personal service contract for Tyler Smith as ICMS track coach;
• Passed a resolution to name Jefferson County Educational Service Center Public Relations Coordinator Amy Gareis to the Ohio School Board Association’s 2024 Media Honor Roll;
• Heard an update on the Jefferson County Joint Vocational School Board of Education meeting from Cowser;
• Learned the district’s two new buses have passed inspection while three others were sold and another will be scrapped. Belt also noted that the district phone system will also be updated;
• Heard winter sports updates from Starkey and board member James Speece and officials also discussed a need for a weight room at the middle school;
• Recognized Dalana Bove for winning the Valley’s Got Talent contest as well as earning fifth place at an indoor track meet at Muskingum University; Luke McMillion for winning the 190-pound weight class matches at wrestling invitationals in Barnesville and Cambridge; and the success of the Indian Creek Foundation Christmas Concert, recent football banquet and girls’ basketball team. ICHS basketball player McKenna Scott was lauded for reaching her 1,000-point milestone;
• Heard from Chappelear, who praised the ICHS students’ recent production of the courtroom drama, “The Night of Jan. 16.” He noted that having the community support the levy to create the new high school has afforded more opportunities for students to expand their horizons;
• Set the organizational meeting for Jan. 9 at 6 p.m. at ICMS with Starkey serving as president pro tempore. The regular session will immediately follow.