Sugar plum fairies

Samantha Nicosia, left, and Cheyanne Coil taught children the fundamentals of ballet during the Public Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County’s third-annual Nutcracker Tea Party in the Leonardo’s Coffeehouse ballroom, Dec. 14. The yearly event has proven immensely popular and warranted two sessions this year, according to Sarita Asawa, public outreach coordinator for PLSJ. Attendees — many of whom dressed in fancy or festive attire — were treated to a hot chocolate bar, cookies and treats, a story time, optional crafts, book giveaways, an elf house scavenger hunt, a mock sword fight and lessons in tea party manners. Those who helped organize the event included the Steubenville High School Rotary Interact Club, Harding Middle School Drama Club, Friends of PLSJ and the Sycamore Corps, as well as library staff. Asawa said the event will “absolutely” return next year, but tickets typically sell out quickly, so individuals should monitor PLSJ’s Facebook page to see when tickets are released. — Christopher Dacanay