
Police investigate vandalism of nutcrackers, nativity

NATIVITY DAMAGED — Dominic Nelson secures the figures in a nativity that was disturbed late Monday night. Located near St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, it and several of the life-size figures in the Nutcracker Village were damaged, and a local man faces a pending charge of vandalism for at least one of the nutcrackers. -- Warren Scott

STEUBENVILLE — Members of the Nelson family worked Tuesday to secure and restore a nativity near South Fourth Street and several of the life-sized nutcracker figures that have attracted many to the city after they were disturbed or damaged late Monday night.

City Police Capt. Joe Buchmelter confirmed a charge of vandalism is pending against Malone Lynn, a 35-year-old man with no fixed address, in connection with damages to one of the figures as part of an ongoing investigation.

Buchmelter said the department will continue to view video footage captured by surveillance cameras along the street where many of the nutcrackers are displayed.

He said Tuesday it was unclear what motive or mental state the suspect may have been in and it wasn’t clear that Lynn was responsible for damages to the nativity established near St. Paul’s Episcopal Church or a nutcracker paying tribute to Moses Fleetwood Walker, a Jefferson County man who was the first African American to play Major League Baseball.

Mark Nelson, who has worked with his family and others to present the Nutcracker Village, said the Walker nutcracker had a broken arm and its baseball bat was missing but the bat was found nearby.

He expected the figure to return later on Tuesday.

Nelson said several other nutcrackers, at various spots along the street, also were damaged but could be repaired on-scene.

A figure of the baby Jesus was removed from the manger, while the figure of Joseph was tipped over, and the figure of Mary was among those that had been chipped or scratched.

Nelson’s son, Dominic, was using tools to secure the figures to their places within the manger on Tuesday morning.

Nelson praised City Police for swift action in identifying a suspect, noting the vandalism was discovered at about 8 a.m. Tuesday and a man was taken into custody about two hours later.

“I’m very grateful to the police, specifically Officer (Joel) Recznik, for their diligence and quick work,” he said.

Nelson said the vandalism is “an isolated incident,” with past damages to the nutcrackers being non-deliberate during the event’s 10-year history.

He said while a few have been stolen, they were returned.

Nelson said vandalism to the figures is a felony because of their monetary value.

But the nutcrackers’ value goes beyond the cost to produce them, as they have drawn thousands to Steubenville at Christmas each year.

“We have had tourists come from all over the world,” said Nelson, who noted the travelers patronize local restaurants, gas stations and other businesses while also visiting the Oglebay Festival of Lights and other attractions.

Noting the Nutcracker Village will remain in place through Jan. 10, he said, “I’m inviting everyone to come down and celebrate Christmas with us.”


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