
Local Briefs

Brooke sheriff warns of scam

WELLSBURG — Brooke County Sheriff Rich Beatty is advising residents of online and phone scams conducted by people claiming to be members of his department.

Beatty said a resident reported callers identifying themselves as “Sgt. Anthony Baker and Deputy Sullivan” stated they had warrants for her arrest and that she should provide a large sum of money to clear them.

“The caller did as directed and unfortunately, lost a large sum of money,” said the sheriff.

Beatty said there are no officers with those names in his department and it and other law enforcement agencies won’t call suspects to advise them of warrants or request payments.

“Please be cautious when anyone requests personal or financial information over the phone or internet,” he advised.

Beatty also encouraged those who receive such communications to report them to his department at (304) 737-3660 or (304) 527-1430.

County health board to meet

STEUBENVILLE — The Jefferson County Board of Health will meet in regular session at 8:15 a.m. on Tuesday in the second-floor community room of the Jefferson County Towers Building, 500 Market St.

Fire department selling luminaria

WELLSBURG — The Franklin Community Volunteer Fire Department has taken over the lighting of luminaria in Wellsburg in honor of late member Ron Ostrosky, who coordinated it for many years.

The group is selling and accepting orders for the bagged candles from residents until Sunday.

The cost is $10 for each set, which includes 10 candles, 10 bags and sand. They can be found at Fonce’s in Wellsburg and the Follansbee Flower Shop.


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