Brooke firefighters carried on Christmas traditions
- SPECIAL VISITORS — Santa and Mrs. Claus waved to many children along Virginia Avenue in Follansbee Tuesday morning as members of the Follansbee Fire Department distributed treat bags to them. The early Christmas Eve visit has been a tradition in the city for more than 40 years. — Warren Scott
- A CHRISTMAS TRADITION — Clockwise from left, Jase Scott, Eugene McFatridge and Cody Rice placed bagged candles along both sides of Commerce Street (state Route 2) in Wellsburg Tuesday morning, returning later to light them for Christmas Eve. They were among members of the Franklin Community Fire Department and other volunteers who carried on a Christmas Eve tradition in honor of Ron Ostrosky, a former firefighter who had coordinated the effort for many years. — Warren Scott

A CHRISTMAS TRADITION — Clockwise from left, Jase Scott, Eugene McFatridge and Cody Rice placed bagged candles along both sides of Commerce Street (state Route 2) in Wellsburg Tuesday morning, returning later to light them for Christmas Eve. They were among members of the Franklin Community Fire Department and other volunteers who carried on a Christmas Eve tradition in honor of Ron Ostrosky, a former firefighter who had coordinated the effort for many years. -- Warren Scott
From escorting Santa Claus for a short Christmas Eve parade through town to lighting hundreds of candles along city streets, members of volunteer fire departments in Brooke County have helped to ensure Christmas is cheerful and bright in their communities.
While many were doing last-minute shopping, wrapping gifts or preparing holiday dinners, the firefighters and other volunteers could be found on Tuesday morning performing special pre-Christmas tasks.
Members of the Follansbee Fire Department aided Santa and Mrs. Claus in distributing small treat bags to children throughout the city.
The small caravan of emergency vehicles made its way along Main Street to the city’s south end and up to Highland Hills at its north end.
Among many children and adults greeting the Clauses from their homes on Virginia Avenue was Phyllis DiGiatino

SPECIAL VISITORS — Santa and Mrs. Claus waved to many children along Virginia Avenue in Follansbee Tuesday morning as members of the Follansbee Fire Department distributed treat bags to them. The early Christmas Eve visit has been a tradition in the city for more than 40 years. -- Warren Scott
“I remember as a child growing up on this street and Santa bringing us a bag with fruit and candy you don’t see anymore,” she said, alluding to the sweet treats found in the penny candy stores from years ago.
John Casinelli, a longtime member of the fire department, said it’s been a years-long tradition for Santa’s treat bags to include an apple, orange and candy cane as well as other snacks.
He said the Follansbee McDonald’s has lent a hand, supplying cookies for the sacks.
Casinelli added whenever Santa is able to take time from his busy Christmas Eve schedule, he’s been treated to a lunch provided by the local McDonald’s franchise or a plate of pasta fagioli prepared by firefighter Paul DiGiacinto before he returns to the North Pole.
City Fire Chief Larry Rea is among local residents who remember Santa visiting during a Christmas children’s party held through the years at the former Eagles Lodge or Follansbee High School.
“The kids all got a big bag of candy,” said Rea, who noted the city’s fire and police departments had been involved with the event in years past.
This year, it was held at the Follansbee Community House and organized by Hood’s Pharmacy with support from other local businesses and others and included games and crafts as well as gifts and treats.
A short distance south, members of the Franklin Community Fire Department and other volunteers were placing about 1,000 bagged candles along Commerce Street (state Route 2) in Wellsburg and the Town Square and outside local churches and schools.
Some returned later Tuesday to light the luminaria, continuing a tradition begun by the Wellsburg Kiwanis Club many years ago.
The fire department had assisted the club with the effort for several years before taking it over this year.
Darin Pizer, the department’s president, noted they were inspired by the late Ron Ostrosky, who served as treasurer and in other offices for the department as well as coordinator of the luminaria effort and a fundraising chicken barbecue for the Kiwanis club.
“After his passing (in 2014), we wanted to keep it (the luminaria tradition) alive in memory of him,” said Pizer.
He added, “They (the Kiwanis club) wanted to know if we would take it over, and we said we’d be happy to do it.”
Cody Rice, a captain with the Franklin Community department, said the firefighters were aided this year by members of Cub Scout Pack 1553, led by Brandon Dunson; and other volunteers.
Rice also expressed thanks to the Follansbee Flower Shop, Mullenbach Funeral Home, Fonce’s Produce and Tommy’s Classic Touch for aiding the group in selling other luminaria to the public, an effort that helps to defray their cost.