
Mingo Junction Senior Center celebrates renovations

HAPPY DANCE — Mingo Junction Senior Center Director Fred Pernick danced with volunteer nurse Mryna Anderson during the center’s open house, Saturday. -- Christopher Dacanay

MINGO JUNCTION — Community members expressed hope for the Mingo Junction Senior Center’s future during an open house on Saturday celebrating newly completed renovations.

From wall to wall, the senior center on Commercial Street is new and improved, thanks to $18,415 in Healthy Aging Grant funds from the Ohio Department of Aging. The Jefferson County General Health District allocated that amount, as well as another roughly $290,000 to local projects, from the total ODA grant it received almost exactly one year ago.

Applied for by Mingo Junction resident Judi Keenan, the funds were disbursed in phases. This allowed the center to make successive improvements to appliances, furniture and entertainment equipment. With renovations having concluded in early October, the center held Saturday’s open house to show off what’s new and invite local seniors to return.

“I feel that that was a really good thing Judi Keenan did in getting that grant and making this place more lively,” said senior center Director Fred Pernick. “Doing all those things for us, I appreciate it.”

Perhaps the most expensive improvements are the center’s new commercial sink and freezer in the kitchen. Increasing food assistance was one of the ODA grant program’s primary goals.

CELEBRATING — Individuals were treated to food and music during the Mingo Junction Senior Center’s open house, Saturday. -- Christopher Dacanay

The center also purchased two new refrigerators and stocked its pantries full of food to be used for meals, which are offered from 11 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, by donation. Seniors wishing to have a meal should call ahead.

Forty new, padded chairs were added for the center’s main room. The center also added two new office chairs — one for Pernick and another for Mryna Anderson, who offers free vital checks for seniors at the center on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

There are new sinks in the men’s and women’s restrooms, with the latter getting a new toilet.

The building’s whole interior received a new paint job, courtesy of Stella Andriano. She and her husband, John Andriano, donated a new couch for the center as well.

A new TV set was purchased, in addition to a desktop computer and laptop. The center hopes to hold classes on computer use for seniors, given that ODA’s program outlined internet access and digital literacy as a main objective.

JAMMING OUT — Stu Moore, front, and John Slivka performed music for the Mingo Junction Senior Center’s open house, Saturday. -- Christopher Dacanay

Other additions include a karaoke machine and pedal exerciser.

Senior center Secretary Diane Pernick said she’d like to see more people come to the center which is open every week from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. She added that the center would is a great place for individuals to play games or host parties, provided they don’t “tear the place up.”

The open house featured door prizes and a 50/50. There was plenty of food — much of which was purchased with grant funds — and music provided by Stu Moore and John Slivka.

PLAYING GAMES — Members of a card club entertained themselves during the Mingo Junction Senior Center’s open house, Saturday. From left are, front, Sharon Larkins and Pat Cramblett and, back, Rita Wigal and Donna Cionni. -- Christopher Dacanay


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