
Franciscan University to host historic conference on J.R.R. Tolkien

STEUBENVILLE — Franciscan University of Steubenville will hold an academic conference on J.R.R. Tolkien Sept. 22-23.

Entitled A Long-Expected Party: A Semicentennial Celebration of Tolkien’s Life, Works and Afterlife, the conference will focus on all aspects of Tolkien’s life and work, including his most recent posthumous publications such as “The Nature of Middle Earth,” “The Fall of N’menor” and “The Great Tales Never End.”

“The 50th anniversary of Tolkien’s death is a fitting time to reflect on and celebrate the legacy of the 20th-century’s greatest Catholic author,” said Ben Reinhard, conference organizer and associate professor of English at Franciscan University. “In addition, 2023 is a significant turning point in Tolkien studies because the generation of scholars who truly knew him is entering retirement. It’s not yet clear what sort of scholarship will fill the void they are leaving. We hope to make Franciscan University a center of Tolkien scholarship in the 21st century.”

The significance of the conference’s title and dates will not be lost on Tolkien fans. A Long-Expected Party falls on Sept. 22, the shared birthday of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, principal characters in Tolkien’s two most beloved books, “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings.”

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973) was an Oxford University English language scholar and one of the most popular authors of the 20th century. With more than 700 million copies sold and published in dozens of languages, “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings” also inspired Peter Jackson’s blockbuster films, which have grossed $7 billion worldwide.

“Millions have found Tolkien’s work to be an occasion of grace in their lives, and we’re only beginning to sound the depths of his creative project,” said Reinhard.

Registration is set to open later this month. For information, visit franciscan.edu/tolkien-conference.


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