
Steubenville Art Association upcoming events

STEUBENVILLE — The Steubenville Art Association is ready to begin the new year having several activities planned, including workshops and art shows, which are planned every month through July.

However, it is not only members of the association who are invited to attend these events, as the public is welcome to join the workshops and sessions officials have planned.

SAA President Judy Schmidt explained one of the first activities of the year will be a workshop on Pen and Ink Drawing. Led by Debra Kimball, the class will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 18 at the Center of Music and Art in Wintersville. The cost will be $40 per person. Those who enjoy drawing or want to learn more about this workshop can contact the SAA through its Facebook page prior to the first day of class. Schmidt explained it is important to let officials know you will be coming so they can prepare the necessary supplies for you.

In February, SAA members will attend a workshop on “Pour Painting,” with Laura Scheetz. The event will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Feb. 15 at 1400 Main St. in Follansbee. The cost will be $40 to participate and includes all of the supplies needed. “You don’t have to be an experienced artist to do this kind of work,” Schmidt explained. “Anyone can join us and see what they can create.”

Local artist James Clum will be presenting “Accurate Proportions, Drawing From Sight with James Clum” from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 15 at the Historic Fort Steuben Visitor Center. The cost will be $40.

“Clum is an exceptionally-talented artist and we are happy to present the members and the public with this opportunity to learn from him,” Schmidt commented.

SAA members are hoping for spring weather April 19, as plans are in the works to join together and hold an En Plein Air painting workshop at Beatty Park.

The event is free of charge and begins at 9 a.m., ending at noon. Following the workshop, an afternoon picnic will be held, weather permitting. The community is invited to join and help the group celebrate the start of spring, Schmidt said.

The club will offer “Suminagashi, the Art of Japanese Marbling” with Sara Cunningham May 17. The session will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Visitor Center. The cost will be $20 to participate. The public is invited to try this style of art, Schmidt said.

Those interested in learning how to make paper jewelry can attend a workshop with Savannah Scroll Guz from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 21 at the Center of Music and Art. The cost to attend will be $25. Attendees are asked to bring their ideas for unique styles of personally-made jewelry.

The group is planning to hold another Artist, Show Your Stuff art show at the Visitor Center in March. This is an annual show where the artist is encouraged to bring the artwork they are proudest to have done. The members of the SAA are asking the public to join them for the event.

“It was a great success last year as we had almost 200 entries,” Schmidt noted. “The public artists won as many ribbons as the SAA members did. We will have a children’s division again, so encourage your child to enter. The youngsters were very proud of their art last year.”

In June, the SAA will have a Dean Martin Art Show to coincide with the Dean Martin Festival. Any Martin fan is asked to visit downtown Steubenville and see what local artists have come up with as far as artwork.

“We have some very talented artists here in the Steubenville Art Association,” Schmidt concluded. “Many of them will do commission painting of your pets, your home and portraits of your family. If you are interested, contact me and I will put you in touch with our best.”

“Once again, the public is invited to attend any of the SAA workshops planned for this year,” Schmidt concluded, noting she is happy to answer any questions if anyone is interested in attending a workshop.

Schmidt can be contacted at (740) 424-3835 or at judyschmidt50@hotmail.com.


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