
Toronto Sunrise Seniors celebrating the holidays

TORONTO — The Toronto Sunrise Seniors celebrated Christmas on Friday, as members held a special banquet inside the commons area of the Karaffa Recreation Center. President Barbara Pritts welcomed the evening’s guests, including Mayor John Parker and his wife Tracey, Jeff and Becky Foster, Shirley Rebich, Shayla Woolmaker, Laurie Gorney and Tammy Allen.

Pritts also welcomed new members to the group, Jackie Collins and Mary Ann Cordier.

Don and Cheryl Clarke were unable to attend due to medical reasons, officials announced. Assistant Chaplain Mary Lou Emery provided the blessing prior to the meal, which was catered by Connie’s Corner.

At the conclusion of dinner, Pritts thanked those who served on the December kitchen committee, including Tracey Wade, Diana Hooper and Ruth White. The trio was thanked for the table decorations that featured a variety of Christmas scenes.

Pritts noted those who will serve on the kitchen committee in January will be Hank and Laura Sheets, Mary Jane Tottka, Patti Losey and Jackie Porter.

One member was remembered under the health report.

Co-Chaplain Gloria Boley read a version of “The Night Before Christmas.” In this particular version of the popular Christmas story, Christ returns.

Pritts expressed the groups appreciation to the Parkers and Fosters for their donations to the group. Table decorations were won by Sandi Radvansky, Brenda Fetty, Allen, Karen Martin, Joe Radvansky, Ethyl Stevens, Porter, Mike Murphy, Bonnie Wilson, Losey and Boley.

Betty Mossor won a gift card from Paul’s Pizza, donated by the mayor.

Dave Devore and Kenny Emery won the 50/50 drawing.

Rich Grimm supplied the entertainment for the evening, singing several of the group’s favorite Christmas songs.

Following adjournment, the group returned to the meeting room and played bingo. Winners for the evening included Marsha McConnell, Dora Oiler, Jerry Cornish, Mossor, Mary Ann Landerfield, Bea Lytle, Louie Nelson, Boley, Rex Mossor and Devore.

The next meeting will be held Jan. 10.


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