
Library announces upcoming holiday events and activities

STEUBENVILLE — The Public Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County has announced its upcoming events and activities for the week of Dec. 16-20.

Visit any branch of the to take home a holiday Harry Potter grab-and-go bag. Each bag contains supplies to make an ornament. Bags can be picked up beginning Dec. 16, while supplies last.

Main Library (740) 282-9782

Teens and Adults: Pick up a bullet journal kit in a grab-and-go bag, starting Dec. 16, while supplies last. Plan the year, track your habits or write your thoughts using this kit.

Brilliant Branch (740) 314-4309

Children: Take home a grab-and-go bag containing materials for a holiday craft. Bags can be picked up at the library beginning Dec. 16, while supplies last.

Dillonvale-Mount Pleasant Branch

(740) 314-4310

Adults: Book club will meet to discuss “Santa Cruise,” by Fern Michaels at 10 a.m. Dec. 17. Call to participate.

Teens: Make a snowman or gingerbread house using a terra-cotta pot at 5 p.m. Dec. 16. Register to attend.

Schiappa Branch (740) 264-6166

Children: Take your Elf on the Shelf to watch a movie at the library at 5 p.m. Dec. 17. Register to attend this fun holiday movie.

Tiltonsville Branch (740) 314-4280

Adults: The library’s Thriller Book Club will meet at 5:30 p.m. Dec. 17 to discuss “Christmas Presents,” by Lisa Unger. Call to join the group discussion.

Children: Take home a grab-and-go bag containing materials for a holiday craft. Bags can be picked up at the library beginning Dec. 16, while supplies last.

Toronto Branch (740) 537-1262

Children: A holiday scavenger hunt will run from Dec. 16-20. Complete the hunt for items throughout the library and receive a treat.

Babygarten, a lap-sit program for parents and children ages birth to 2, will be held at 11 a.m. Dec. 17. Register to attend the program that includes books and rhymes.

Teens: Make a bell ornament at 4 p.m. Dec. 16. The craft is for those ages 10 to 18. Register to participate.


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