JCVA participates in Wreaths Across America

Members of the Jefferson County Veterans Association participated in this year’s annual Wreaths Across America program, with participants placing memorial wreaths on area veterans’ gravestones. The purpose of the event is to honor and remember fallen service members, to recognize the sacrifices made by their families and to teach the value of freedom to the next generation, organizers explained. Members, along with those from the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department, joined others throughout the world for the event, which took place at noon Dec. 14. Wreaths were purchased for those who served in all branches of the military, including the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, Space Force, Merchant Marines and POW. Association and department members taking part in the event included, from left, front, veteran supporters Giada and Joseph Maccariella; second row, Bree Palmer and Hunter Vinci; and back, Adjunct Barry Bardone, Mike Bell, Ava Bell, Frank Santa, Brian Palmer, Finance Officer Tony Phillippi, JCSD Capt. Chris Vinci, Deputy Paul Carpenter, Chaplain Lamont McCoy, Tom Hutkay and Fred Tarr.
— Contributed