
Community news from around the area

Reading program to begin

When Brooke County Public Libraries in Wellsburg and Follansbee reopen Thursday, they will be launching their year-long “Read Through 52” reading program.

The program is similar to the summer reading programs offered, in that it is open to people of all ages. Participants will log the library books they have read, receiving a ticket for each. Throughout the year, there will be a a prize drawing done quarterly, with four drawings in all.

Drawings have been set for March 1, June 1, Sept. 1 and Dec. 1, officials announced.

For information or to join the program, visit bcplwv.readsquared.com or call (304) 737-1551 or (304) 527-0860.

Story hour to be offered

WELLSBURG — The Brooke County Public Library will offer an Explore and Learn Story Hour at 5 p.m. Thursday.

There will be hands-on activities based on the book “I Don’t Want to Be a Frog,” officials commented. The program is free to attend. Reservations can be made by calling (304) 737-1551 or visiting brookecountylibs.org/events.

Recipe club to meet

WELLSBURG — Area residents who enjoy cooking are invited to attend the next meeting of the Brooke County Public Library’s Cook by the Book Recipe Club. The meeting will take place at noon on Jan. 31.

Each month, the group gathers to share recipes with one another and sample foods that follow a certain theme, library officials stated. The theme for January will be soup.

Animated film coming to library

WELLSBURG — The Brooke County Public Library will be showing the PG-rated animated film “The Tiger’s Apprentice,” at 5 p.m. Jan. 9. The movie is based on a novel written by Lawrence Yep. Popcorn and bottled water will be provided.

The event is free of charge. Reservations can be made by calling (304) 737-1551 or visiting brookecountylibs.org/events.

Library to show mystery movie

WELLSBURG — The Brooke County Public Library will show the PG-rated mystery thriller “Conclave,” at noon on Jan. 10. The movie is based on the book written by Robert Harris.

Participants may bring along a lunch, officials said, noting popcorn and water will be provided.

There is no cost to attend. To make a reservation, call (304) 737-1551 or visit brookecountylibs.org/events.

Self-defense class being offered

WELLSBURG — The Upper Ohio Valley Sexual Assault Help Center will present two free programs on practical self-defense techniques and building confidence. The events will take place from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Jan. 16 and Feb. 20.

Those involved with the programs include Teresa Richmond, a first-degree black belt in Krav Maga and a level-three certified instructor, and Ashley Carpenter, the center’s director.

Sessions are not limited to people of certain ages, abilities or gender, officials stated.

Openings are limited, therefore, reservations should be made by calling (304) 737-1551 or signing up online at brookecountylibs.org/events.


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