
Toronto Sunrise Seniors celebrate Halloween

TORONTO — The Toronto Sunrise Seniors celebrated Halloween during their Oct. 25 meeting at the Karaffa Recreation Center.

President Barbara Pritts welcomed members and guest Donna Farmer to the hall, which was decorated with a variety of pumpkins and Halloween characters.

Co-chaplain Gloria Boley provided the blessing for the dinner, which consisted of roast beef sandwiches and side dishes supplied by members.

Following dinner, members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and thanked the kitchen committee composed of Dora Oiler, Social Secretary Mary Ann Landerfield and Candi Murphy.

Secretary Karen Martin read the minutes of the previous meeting and Treasurer Judy Sabol gave the financial report.

Sabol reminded members dues are being collected and must be paid if members wish to attend the December Christmas dinner.

Landerfield announced she sent get-well cards to members and announced the November kitchen committee will include Nancy Bodrog, Phyllis Smith, Louie Nelson and Paul Sherwood.

Pritts reminded members the group will have two meetings in November.

Friday’s meeting will be a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

A sign-up sheet was circulated for members to note what others planned to bring to the dinner.

She mentioned Friday will be the last day for toys to be collected for the Toys for Toronto collection. The Nov. 22 meeting will be a regular meeting.

Pritts circulated a sign-up sheet for the annual Christmas dinner, set for Dec. 6 in the Karaffa Commons.

Sandi Radvansky updated membership on the Dec. 3 trip to the Ohio Star Theater in Amish Country to see “A Christmas Carol.” One or two seats still remain available for anyone wanting to attend. The public is invited to go on any trip the seniors take, officials noted.

Brenda Fetty was recognized as member of the month and presented with a gift certificate to Reisbecks.

The activity for the evening involved sharing a story about something really frightening.

Several members took part in the activity, sharing stories which included such topics as large flocks of birds, getting caught up in a tornado whirlwind, the ghost that lives in the Steubenville library, having lost a toddler while visiting the beach and “bats, bats and more bats.”

Patti Losey was the winner of the scary story activity. She was presented with a fall centerpiece for her win.

The winners of the 50/50 drawing were Bodrog and Joyce Gribben.

Following the telling of Halloween jokes, the meeting adjourned. Members played bingo. Winners were, Losey, Murphy, Bea Lytle, Ethel Stevens, Betty Mossor, Ken Emery, Frank Marino, Fetty, Boley, Bodrog, Sabol and Mary Jane Emery.

The next meeting will be held at 5 p.m. Friday. Any senior age 55 or older and who resides in Ohio is welcome to attend.


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