
Phoenix Program helping those in area

Stephen Sammut, a neuroscientist and phsychology professor at Franciscan University of Steubenville, discussed recovery. -- Contributed

STEUBENVILLE — The Jefferson County Phoenix Program is working to ensure participants have the tools needed to succeed following graduation.

Stephen Sammut, neuroscientist and professor of psychology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, spoke to officials with the adult drug court program regarding the brain, the effects on the brain and hope for recovery.

Billy Petrella of Petrella Wealth Management donated his time to help participants establish a budget and future financial planning.

These are the priorities that are linked to the drug court participant’s success in keeping with the Phoenix Program’s holistic approach.

“These are just examples of the free services and volunteer services which our invested community expends on our drug court program,” stated Common Pleas Judge Michelle Miller.

Billy Petrella of Petrella Wealth Management discussed financial planning. -- Contributed

“I am more than grateful for all of the community support we recieve,” she added. “As a direct result, our success rate bears that out.”

Jefferson County’s Phoenix Program has a 52 percent successful graduation rate, officials stated.

It also has a low recidivism rate of 39 percent, she said.

“These rates represent higher rates than the national average and some of the best in Ohio,” Miller said.


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