
New Cumberland Lions awarded chevrons

CHEVRONS AWARDED — New Cumberland Lions Club President Sally Greathouse presented chevrons to four of its members during the group’s November meeting at the Swaney Memorial Library. Receiving the award for their years of service were, from left, Bob McNeil, Betsy Wells and Rick Zumer, each with 25 years, and Jeanne Cox, who accepted the award on behalf of recipient Dan Smith, who has 10 years with the club. -- Contributed

NEW CUMBERLAND — New Cumberland Lions Club President Sally Greathouse presented chevrons to four members for their years of service during the group’s monthly meeting at the Swaney Memorial Library. Bob McNeil, Betsy Wells, Rich Zumer and Dan Smith received the special award which is presented to a Lion to commemorate years of service and to encourage one to continue making a difference in their local communities and worldwide.

McNeil, Wells and Zumer were recognized for having 25 years as members, while Smith has 10 years in the club. Smith’s chevron was accepted by Secretary Jeanne Cox during the presentation.

Also during the meeting, Greathouse read the minutes from the Oct. 27 meeting. She then informed those in attendance of the correspondence she received from businesses and groups throughout the community.

Lions received a letter requesting a donation be made to Leader Dogs for the Blind, a guide dog program which offers its services to clients at no cost. A request also was made by the cheerleaders at Oak Glen High School, who sought a donation of food and supplies from the club for their upcoming Night at the Races event scheduled for Feb. 14. These donations will be discussed during an upcoming board meeting, Greathouse said.

She noted the club has been sent a thank-you card from Aiden Flowers, recipient of a Lion’s scholarship who was named Scholar of the Month in January.

Treasurer Alan Lee provided the treasurer’s report, noting all financial totals have been recorded in the document, which will be placed on file for audit.

Members briefly discussed the Lions’ Halloween party that took place at the Community House in New Cumberland Oct. 31. Officials noted the event was a success, with approximately 75 children in attendance.

The Jack Harris/Brian Webster Walk-A-Thon took place Nov. 2, with members Jim Gillespie, Bill Greathouse, Lee, Cox, Jim Wells and Charlie Bourque participating in the fundraiser.

All of the money raised went to the West Virginia Sight Conservation Foundation. A suggestion was made by Joyce Young that in the future, the walk-a-thon be moved to the spring due to the many events and activities that take place during the fall.

Pam Stiles commented on her collecting members’ boxes to be donated toward Operation Christmas Child. Shoeboxes were filled with items for either a boy or girl and included toys, games, school supplies, personal care items and clothing and accessories. A motion made during the meeting was passed for the club to donate money to cover the cost of shipping.

The subject of Christmas was discussed at the conclusion of the meeting. Officials noted the club’s Christmas party will take place during the next meeting, scheduled for Dec. 10. The party will begin at 6 p.m. Refreshments and dinner will be served. Those attending are welcome to bring their spouse or significant other, it was noted. Members were asked to bring with them any items they would like give for the food closet.

The New Cumberland Christmas parade will be held Dec. 14. The club will be serving hot chocolate to community residents attending.

The parade lineup will begin at 4 p.m., with the event starting at 5 p.m. Members should be at the city garage between 5:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m., officials stated.

Prior to adjournment, members were informed club items have been removed from the Community House and placed in the library. The items will need to be organized and placed in one central location within the library, officials said.

A motion was made and passed to send a donation to Blue Star Mothers, an organization that collects items for deployed service members.


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