
John Gregg pupils hold veterans breakfast

VETERANS BREAKFAST — More than 120 people gathered in the cafeteria of John Gregg Elementary School Nov. 11 for a Veterans Day breakfast and assembly to recognize those having served in the military. The morning featured patriotic performances, a slideshow presentation and gifts of appreciation. -- Contributed

BERGHOLZ — John Gregg Elementary School was host to several heroes during its annual Veterans Day breakfast and assembly Nov. 11. More than 120 people gathered inside the school’s cafeteria to enjoy a meal together and hold a program honoring area veterans.

Secretary Casey Barnhouse coordinated the event, saying it was a way to honor veterans and bring people together.

“Nearly 50 veterans attended,” she explained. “The children could invite veterans and the veterans could also bring someone, so we had about 122 people for the breakfast.”

Pupils donned the colors of Old Glory to show their support. The building was decorated with various pieces of artwork that included messages of thanks.

Bloomingdale resident Doug Robson, who served as an E4 in the U.S. Air Force, presented his grandson, fifth-grader Brantley Robson, with a P38 that was used to open canned food while in the field.

“We used to wear it on a chain around our necks and that’s how we opened food,” Robson said, adding he had been drafted into the military and stationed in Europe during the Vietnam War. He worked with ammunition and performed readiness tasks on C-130 and B-52 aircraft. Air Force Senior Master Sgt. E-8 Gregg Beebe of Bloomingdale served in the military for 28 years. He was joined by his wife, Donna and their granddaughters, 4-year-old Graycen Huggins and sixth-grade student Chaning Beebe.

“This is wonderful,” Beebe said of the breakfast. “I came out last year and what they do for veterans is very well put together.”

Navy veteran Brent Griffith of East Springfield stated he served for four years and took part in Operation Desert Shield. He, too, said he enjoyed spending time at John Gregg with his loved one, fourth-grader Isabel Wood.

“I’ve been doing this for years,” Griffith commented of the assembly. “It’s been a great thing for the community.”

Army PFC Suzanna Hilt traveled from Glen Dale to see her grandson, Dominic Beebe, who said he loved having his grandmother come to the assembly so they could spend time together.

“The student council helped sign everyone in and took the veterans to the breakfast,” Barnhouse said. “The students sang, danced and had a slideshow during the assembly.”

Principal Tammy Burchfield welcomed everyone and recognized all veterans for their service and bravery. The pupils led the assembly, with participants including Leah Moore giving the invocation, Brea Moses leading the national anthem, Adalyn Swearingen leading the Pledge of Allegiance, Remy Beckett performing a dance, Breah and Ella Prokopakis performing a song and Claire Boka giving the benediction.


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