Toronto Sunrise Seniors hold election of officers
TORONTO — Members of the Toronto Sunrise Seniors group met on Oct. 11 to elect those who will be serving as officers for the upcoming 2024-26 term.
Members gathered inside the Karaffa Recreation Center, where those in attendance were welcomed by Vice President Sandi Radvansky, who distributed ballots for the election of officers.
Every member in attendance had the opportunity to select those they wanted to see in the positions of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, social secretary and chaplain. There are two positions for treasurer and chaplain, officials explained. Once the votes were counted, a new slate of officers was announced, including Barbara Pritts to serve as president; Radvansky, vice president; Karen Martin, secretary; Judy Sabol and Carol Rogers, co-treasurers; Mary Ann Landerfield, social secretary; and Gloria Boley and Mary Lou Emery, co-chaplains.
The new officers will begin their duties at the next meeting, scheduled for Friday.
Friday’s meeting will feature scary stories, officials noted, adding members are encouraged to come prepared to share an experience that left them truly frightened.
Radvansky thanked the kitchen committee composed of Dora Oiler, Patti Losey, Mary Jane Tottka and Candi Murphy, as well as the membership volunteers for preparing the covered dish meal which included the main dish of chicken.
Boley gave the blessing prior to the meal.
Martin read the minutes of the meeting held on Sept. 26. She then conducted roll call of officers who were present.
Rogers provided the financial report to the group, after which the documents were going to be filed for audit, she commented.
Social Secretary Marlene Garrett announced those celebrating an October birthday.
Garrett then provided the health report, mentioning two members in need of well wishes.
Officials announced those who will serve on the kitchen committee for the November meeting, including Phyllis Smith, Paul Sherwood, Nancy Bodrog and Louie Nelson.
Radvansky updated the group on the Ohio Star Theater trip to see “A Christmas Carol,” on Dec. 3.
Due to a few cancellations, some seats remain open. Anyone interested in attending should contact her at (740) 317-9088.
Longtime member Frank Marino was recognized as member of the month and presented with a gift card.
The activity for the evening was entitled “Autumn Trivia,” with the winner receiving a Reisbeck’s gift card.
Jerry Cornish was thanked for selling tickets for the 50/50 drawing. Winners were Radvansky and Mary Lou Deku.
Following brag time, announcements and the joke of the evening, the meeting adjourned.
Members stayed and played bingo, with Dave Devore calling the numbers.
Winners of the bingo games included: Ethyl Stevens, Brenda Fetty, Oiler, Cornish, DeVore, Phyllis Smith, Murphy and Landerfield.
Any senior citizens who are aged 55 and older and who reside in Ohio, are welcome to attend any of the club’s meetings, officials announced.