
Kiwanis clubs install new officers

INSTALLING OFFICERS — Members of the Weirton and Wellsburg Kiwanis clubs met for the installation of officers for the 2024-25 term. Among those in attendance from the Weirton club were, from left, Donna Calvert, Ernie Nicholas, Lt. Gov. Mary Kay Olashuk, Gus Monezis, Aggie Monezis, Maj. Eric Roberts of the Salvation Army, Miki Marino, Kelly Hudson and John Hudson. -- Contributed

WEIRTON — The Weirton and Wellsburg Kiwanis clubs held a joint installation of officers for the 2024-25 term at the Station Grille in Wellsburg.

“Good leaders are vital to a club’s success,” stated Lt. Gov. Mary Kay Olashuk. Although many positions remained unchanged, Wellsburg Kiwanians saw a new secretary named, along with a new treasurer. The club retired Bob Haas as director and Ellen Daugherty as secretary. Two members were formally inducted into membership, including Maj. Eric Roberts, who became a member of the Weirton club and Tony Viola, who was inducted into the Wellsburg club.

Officers and directors of the Weirton Kiwanis Club for the 2024-25 term are Ernie Nicholas, president; Rik Rekowski, president-elect; Miki Marino, secretary and treasurer; and Gary Mastromichalis, past president. Directors include Duke Horstemeyer, Aggie Monezis, Gus Monezis, Donna Calvert, John Hudson and Kasey Nicholas. Officers and directors of the Wellsburg Kiwanis Club for the 2024-25 term are: Eric Fithyan, president; Tiffany Gale, secretary; Joey Baker Soly, treasurer; and Aimee Livingston, past president.

Directors include Kelby Church, Alex Schneider, Robin Snyder, Emily Byers and Sandy Kemp.

The installations and inductions were performed by Olashuk, who noted both clubs are in Division 18 of the Capital District of Kiwanis International.

The Wellsburg and Weirton clubs boasted a good 2023-24 year, she stated, noting members are looking forward to the new Kiwanis year — including plans for a possible new club in the division, more joint projects and attendance at the international convention, scheduled for June 25-28 in Pittsburgh.

The Weirton Kiwanis Club meets at noon every Tuesday at the Holiday Inn in Weirton.

The Wellsburg Kiwanis Club meets on the second Wednesday of every month at the Brooke County Library.

Anyone interested in applying for membership can attend a meeting as a guest, Olashuk stated.


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