
Developmental disabilities board joins NADSP

STEUBENVILLE — The Jefferson County Board of Developmental Disabilities is joining the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals as an organizational member, demonstrating its dedication to direct support professionals, other employees and people receiving services.

As an NADSP member, JCBDD is making a commitment to elevate the status of DSPs. This includes investing in staff development, allocating resources for professional growth and equipping employees with what they need to be effective in their roles.

Kassey Minor, residential director for Shaffer Plaza Apartments, said the county board will defray costs for classes and certification to help provide DSPs at the complex. All current staff members have until September to complete the certification, and new hires have one year to complete the training. As of now, there are approximately 40 DSPs on staff at all three buildings.

“DSP certification recognizes the skills and knowledge of DSPs working with individuals with disabilities. There are three certification levels: DSP-I, DSP-II and DSP-III, all offered through the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals. To achieve certification, DSPs must complete the NADSP E-Badge Academy, earn electronic badges by meeting specific competencies, and complete accredited education. Each certification requires annual recertification,” Minor explained. “We aim for this certification process not only to provide valuable resources for our DSPs but also to strengthen their commitment to individuals with developmental disabilities, fostering successful careers in this essential field.”

Cookie West, JCBDD’s community navigator, commented that being a member brings a wealth of resources to benefit the employees.

“This exciting alliance will empower us to provide enhanced support and demonstrate our dedicated commitment to fostering the development of DSPs across the county! In developing this partnership, our DSPs in Jefferson County will gain access to webinars, training sessions, and various resources designed to bolster the essential work they perform,” West added. “Being involved with NADSP allows us to provide better support for our DSPs.”

The membership began Nov. 1 and will continue through December 2025, while involvement with NADSP helps support JCBDD’s mission of “Building a Community of Belonging.”

“We commend the organization for recognizing the importance and contributions of direct support professionals,” says Joseph Macbeth, president and chief executive officer of NADSP. “This partnership will help the human services field improve practice standards, promote system reform, and advance the knowledge, skills, and values of DSPs.”

With the NADSP membership, JCBDD’s employees will have access to a library of archived webinars and resources on subjects that are important to DSPs, receive e-newsletters, take advantage of discounted rates for the NADSP E-Badge Academy and apply a 10 percent discount for NADSP training and curriculum offerings. Along with these member benefits, JCBDD will be featured on NADSP’s website, highlighting its dedication to the people they employ and support.


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