Police reports
Steubenville Police
Road raging: Police spotted two cars stopped on the Lawson Avenue Ramp, Wednesday. Neither car would leave and police said they watched a woman get out of her car “and begin yelling at a female … in another vehicle behind her.” That woman, Driver No. 1, claimed she’d been cut off and “was extremely upset,” telling police the other driver cut her off “and she believed that she was upset that she wasn’t driving fast enough.” After calming her down, Driver No. 1 was advised that it wasn’t safe for her to drive in that state and an officer gave her a courtesy ride home. Driver No. 2 said the other woman “had been stopped at a stop sign and wasn’t moving, so she backed up and went another way.” Driver No. 2 said she was on the overpass when the irate woman “drove on the wrong side of the road, speeding (past her), trying to run her off the road, cutting her off” and wouldn’t let her leave. She said the other woman was “screaming and threatening her,” but she didn’t want to pursue charges.
No doze: A caller reported finding a woman sleeping in the basement of a church, Wednesday. Police advised her to leave.
Shattered: A resident in the 1500 block of Pennsylvania Avenue said he returned home to find his bedroom window broken, Wednesday.
Booked: Aaron L. Covey, 43, 1523 Plum St., Steubenville, Operating a vehicle under the influence, speeding and failure to comply, Thursday.
Cited: Linda Lyons, 42, 3267 Sunset Blvd., Apt.6, Steubenville, misdemeanor theft, Wednesday.
Jefferson County Sheriff
Dog’s world A Wintersville woman said she took her dog outside and saw a man she didn’t know, Wednesday. She said her dog behaved strangely when he approached.
Booked: Joseph Hayman, 49, 202 Oak Dale Drive, Jewett, warrant for assault, Wednesday.