
Police reports

Steubenville Police

A man was booked into the Jefferson County jail on assault and menacing charges after he allegedly assaulted another man who was in a wheelchair in the 100 block of North Sixth Avenue, Tuesday. Police said witnesses reported seeing Kendall R. Kimmel, no age listed, punch the man in the wheelchair in his face several times before kicking him in the head. Kimmel, who is from Michigan originally and has no fixed address locally, was “extremely agitated and confrontational,” police said, and when asked what happened claimed the man in the wheelchair “attempted to strike and spit on him” before he punched and kicked him. Police said the victim told them Kimmel “got in his face” after he tried to intervene when he heard him “verbally assault” a female employee and after exchanging words he alleged Kimmel “lunged at him and spit on him, then began to strike him in the face.” He claims when he swung back, Kimmel kicked him in the head. Several witnesses identified Kimmel as the aggressor and claimed they’ve heard him say he “was going to burn the structure down on numerous occasions,” police reported. The victim had several facial injuries, they noted.

Problematic: A city resident reported a family member who was banned from a family property after a domestic violence incident there had returned while the homeowner was away from home, Monday. The complainant told police she went to check the residence and “discovered a handful of people inside” who she didn’t know and told them to leave and not return. She said the man who’d been banned from the property turned up not long after and she told him he’s not allowed on the premises, either. She said both of them left but she returned to the property a little later to make sure he hadn’t returned and discovered the lock on a gate had been forced and “the back door appeared to have been broken into.”

Busy body: A Lawson Avenue resident said a woman turned up at her home “yelling at her about being nosey and minding her own business before cursing at her and calling her names, Tuesday. The homeowner said she is friends with the ex-wife of the woman’s fiancé and had told the woman’s grandmother “he was not a good person.” The woman who turned up on her doorstep told police the homeowner had been injecting herself into matters that were none of her business. Police told the homeowner she needed to stay out of other peoples’ business because it can be misconstrued and have “negative effects.” The women were advised to stay away from each other.

Funny money: A North Sixth Street resident who said he was given a $20 bill in change at a downtown business and found out two days later it was counterfeit wanted police to make a salesclerk replace it with legal tender, Monday. He said he put the change in his pocket and didn’t learn it was counterfeit until he tried to make a purchase at another downtown business a couple days later. Due to the time that had passed police told him there was no way to prove it was the same bill the clerk had given him on Dec. 28 so they couldn’t force the business to refund his money. The clerk told police the man had “entered the store and demanded a new $20 bill.

Hacked: A woman in the 300 block of Lawson Avenue reported that within two hours of in her account someone made two unauthorized withdrawals totaling $1,070, Monday.

Credit card fraud: A city resident told police a juvenile who lives with her got his hands on credit cards belonging to her and a woman in her care and made unauthorized purchases on his Playstation totaling about $1,000, Monday. She said she discovered the theft when she checked her statement after her card was declined at the grocery store.

Facing charges: Alex DiCarlo, 28, 110 West Carlton Road, Steubenville, theft, Monday. DiCarlo, an employee at Wal-Mart, was charged after managers claimed that on several occasions, he’d passed the last point of sale without paying for merchandise he’d consumed, police said.

Summoned: Jonathan F. Renforth, 39, 646 Prospect Ave., Steubenville, misdemeanor theft, Sunday. Renforth allegedly used the barcode from a lower-priced item at the self-checkout but placed a higher-priced item in his cart, police said.

Reported: A downtown resident said she discovered unauthorized withdrawals from her boyfriend’s bank account, Tuesday. She said she’s in charge of his finances while he is incarcerated and noticed money was being withdrawn.

Bumper carts: A woman told police she accidentally struck a shopping cart, propelling it into a parked car when she pulled into a parking space in the Kroger, lot, Tuesday. The owner of the parked vehicle said she tried to get the motorist’s information and take a picture of her license plate, but she was uncooperative and stood in front of it. Police told the at-fault driver she is required to provide information.

Ticketed: Two drivers were cited after their cars collided in the 4200 block of Sunset Boulevard, Monday. Police said Gage L. Simmons, 22, 70 Linda Drive, Bloomingdale, and Robert L. Winston, 70, 430 Canton Road, Wintersville, were both cited for driving under suspension. Winston also was cited for failure to yield.

Hearing things: A woman in the 1200 block of Park Street thought she heard someone in her basement, Tuesday. Police said they didn’t find anyone in her home.

Swiped: A North Sixth Street resident told police she discovered over $400 missing from her apartment, Tuesday. She said she’d let a family member in and discovered the money had been taken after the family member left.

Fraud: A man in the 100 block of North Sixth Street said he discovered $100 had been withdrawn from his bank account without his knowledge, Tuesday. He said he’d given his debit card to an individual to pay for some things he needed from the store

Overstayed: A woman in the 700 block of Market Street wanted a male removed from her apartment, Monday. When officers arrived, she told them he’d already left.

Booked: Gene Smith, 57, 304 N. Third St., Steubenville, theft, Monday. Smith was taken into custody after employees at J.C. Penney in the Fort Steuben Mal told police they watched him walk out of the store with two pink bags full of merchandise that hadn’t been paid for. Smith also was served with a warrant for criminal mischief. Also booked: Frank C. Francis, 41, Wintersville, bench warrant, Wednesday.

Summons issued: Randy Bake, 50, and Lacey Risdon, 32, failure to appear, Tuesday. Police said a caller had reported seeing Bake and Risdon, neither of whom have a fixed address, on a Ross Street property “engaging in illegal activities and refusing to leave.” Also summoned: Carol A. Stevens, 69, 32 Johnny’s Drive, New Cumberland, petty theft, Tuesday.

Jefferson County Sheriff

Vandalized: A man visiting a family member’s home in Dillonvale told deputies he discovered someone had thrown two large rocks and an empty Monster Energy drink on the hood of his vehicle, gouging the paint and breaking his windshield, Monday.


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