
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Rampage: Someone reported seeing a woman in the 600 block of Broadway Boulevard “screaming in the roadway and … covered in blood,” Friday. Police were directed to a residence the woman was seen entering and reported finding a window “broken outward and … blood on a wall (inside.)” They said the interior was “covered in broken items and dog feces as if it had been vacant for some time.” When police yelled for the woman to come outside, she fled out the back door towards Oregon. An officer gave chase and, after seeing “her arms covered in blood” called for her to stop. When he spoke with the woman, he said it was “apparent she was highly intoxicated and not making any sense as she spoke.” An ambulance was called and she was transported to an area hospital for treatment.

Shooting gallery: A downtown resident found a bullet inside her home, Friday. She showed police a cupboard “that was clearly struck by a bullet,” Friday. They said the bullet passed through the rear cupboard wall and had lodged in the bottom of the cupboard. The homeowner told police she thought it was fired within the past 24 hours because she didn’t notice the bullet the last time she was in the cupboard and said the neighbors have “numerous parties (that) lots of people attend.” She said she didn’t remember hearing gunshots “but there are lots of loud noises” from the residence in question during the night. Police said while they waited for someone in the other residence to come to the door they looked through the window “and could clearly see the entrance hole of the bullet in the kitchen cupboard of (that) apartment.” That homeowner advised he’d first noticed the bullet hole a couple weeks earlier after his child had had some friends over and when he asked his son what had happened, the son said it was “from a pellet gun (that) had accidentally gone off.” Police recovered the slug, which they report “was clearly from a firearm and not a pellet gun.”

Frequent fliers: A caller in the 100 block of North Fourth Street complained of an active fight, Friday. Police said the female involved in the dispute said she and her live-in “had been arguing, which is not an uncommon occurrence and (he) took her Ohio plate off her vehicle.” He admitted taking the plate but claimed the vehicle is his but was unable to prove it. Police confirmed the plate was registered to the female on a black Chevrolet and it was returned to her. She left to avoid further problems with the male.

Family fighting: The owner of a Hillary Square property wanted a female removed for trespassing, Saturday. She told police she saw the woman “walk along the rear of the residence, squeezing between an opening in the fence and enter the residence” even though she’d recently been evicted from the property and was not allowed to return. The male she was visiting said he’s renting the rear apartment from a family member and the woman she didn’t want there was his wife, but denied she was in his house or on the property. Police checked the interior and she wasn’t there.

Juvenile problems: A downtown resident said a juvenile kicked her door and ran off, Saturday. JMHA security cameras captured footage of the incident and police were able to determine the juvenile went to a nearby residence. Police noted two footprints on the front door and determined the juvenile involved appeared to be wearing shoes that matched them. He was located walking in the 400 block of South Fifth Street (rear) and took him home, warning his father that the behavior needs to stop or the information would be forwarded to the juvenile prosecutor. They also spoke with the father of another youth who was allegedly involved and said the father was “very uncooperative and argumentative” but they explained to him they had video of the child who’d kicked the door going in his home and his son was believed involved. He also was warned that continued incidents would be forwarded to the juvenile prosecutor and JMHA. The complainant advised she’s had “constant problems with the family and the children continue this kind of behavior.”

Behavioral issue: A woman was told she needed to leave a residence in the 400 block of South Fifth Street after she argued with the male homeowner and punched him in the arm and ripped his shirt, Sunday. Police said the argument started over food and escalated “when (she) punched (the homeowner) in the arm and ripped his shirt,” but he said he wasn’t hurt and didn’t want to pursue charges.

Light sleeper: A man in the 200 block of Ravine Street complained that he heard individuals inside a nearby residence “engaged in some sort of argument over CashApp (were) preventing him from sleeping,” Sunday. Police were unable to speak with anyone at the residence he was complaining about but said all appeared in order.

Booked: Joel C. A. Greer, 33, 732 North Seventh Street, Steubenville, bench warrant, Friday. Greer also was charged with petit theft after employees at the downtown Speedway complained that he left the store with three 24-ounce cans of an alcoholic beverage he hadn’t paid for, police said.

Served: Frank Aracich, 51, 737 Sophia St., warrant (failure to appear), Sunday.

Cited: Daniel L. Heaton III, 18, 37 Johnson Lane, assured clear distance ahead after a collision Friday at the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Lincoln Boulevard; Benjamin Toner, 24, 405 Colonial Drive, Apt. 33, Steubenville, assured clear distance ahead after two-car collision Friday on the Brady Avenue off-ramp; Natori Wicker, 27, 426 Linden Ave., Steubenville, expired registration; Daniel R. Tortis II, 35, 312 Parr Ave. (rear), Mingo Junction, expired plates.


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