Police reports
Steubenville Police
Man charged with nutcracker vandalism: The man suspected of damaging several nutcrackers and a Nativity earlier this week has been charged with felony vandalism. Police said Malone Lynn, 35, no fixed address, Weirton, was taken into custody Tuesday within hours of the discovery of the Moses Fleetwood Walker nutcracker with a broken arm and its baseball bat. Several other nutcrackers also were damaged but were repaired on-site, while a figure of the baby Jesus was removed from the manger, the figure of Joseph was tipped over and the figure of Mary was chipped or scratched. Officrs said when they questioned him Lynn “denied knowing anything about the nutcrackers.” After being mirandized police said Lynn was questioned but “only mumbled something about being upset with the holiday.” He is due back in court Monday.
Charged: A city woman was booked into the Jefferson County Jail on an eight-hour intoxication hold after she allegedly took a swing at a police officer trying to talk with her male companion, Wednesday. Police said Sheala M. Cronin, 34, 808 N. Eighth St., was charged with disorderly conduct while intoxicated. They claim a caller told a police dispatcher to “come get him before I kill him” and when they tried to question her companion she “screamed at us that the male was lying,” then started walking toward an officer and when she was several feet away “raised her hand as if she was going to strike (him)” and after they stopped her say she “attempted to swing at (her male companion).” Police said Cronin was “extremely intoxicated and unsteady on her feet.”
Bull market: A man who allegedly left Mr. Fuel without paying for a cup of coffee ended up in custody on an outstanding warrant, Tuesday. Police said Damion N. Irizarry, 49, no fixed address, was served with the bench warrant for failure to appear Thursday and was sentenced to two days in the county jail, with credit for time served. Irizarry said the “stock market had paid for his coffee,” police said.
Questions: A Kendall Avenue resident showed police security footage of his neighbor’s dog defecating in his backyard, Tuesday. The neighbor had already brought her dog inside when police spoke to her.
Charged: Employees at Kroger alleged a couple had concealed merchandise on their person that hadn’t been paid for before leaving the store, Tuesday. Police said Joseph Gabrielli, 51, and Nicole Gabrielli, 46, both of 1048 Adams St., Steubenville, were taken into custody after they reviewed footage of the alleged theft. The merchandise in question totaled more than $123, police said, adding the two denied involvement.
Broke the rules: A man was booted from a homeless shelter after staff saw video of him lighting a pipe in the sleeping quarters, Tuesday. Drugs are forbidden on shelter property and he was asked to gather his things and leave.
Wrong place: A man who’d been banned from Gaylord Towers was spotted on the premises, Wednesday. JMHA security located the man in the common area, and police said when they spoke with him say he admitted swiping light bulbs, spray paint and an extension cord from the property.
Follansbee Police
Charged: Victor T. Lancaster, 52, 763 Clifton St., person prohibited from possessing a firearm, Tuesday.
Wintersville Police
Cited for speeding: Annaleez K. Acevedo, 27, Lehighton, Pa.; Amanda J. Eddy, 35, 5 Park Ave., Beech Bottom; Linda L. Perdew, 65, 730 Efts Lane, Steubenville; Jacqueline Ruggles, 62, Pittsboro, N.C.; Evan Stewart, 25, 721 ½ Main St., Toronto; Craig Corabi, 44, 3096 Glendwell Road, Steubenville; Jordan L. Davis, 37, Cottondale, Fla.; Jordan Hiles, 20, 313 Springdale Ave.; Rebekah J. Gilbo, 21, 615 Belleview Blvd., Steubenville; Carl W. James Jr., 62, 5126 state Route 152, Richmond; Shawn M. Matthess, 48, 132 Brockton Road, Steubenville; Jennifer M. Brown, 48, 4519 St. Andrews Drive, Steubenville; Andrew B. Husk, 38, 205 Highland Park, Bloomingdale; and Dakota S. Martin, 26, 2818 township Road 378, Steubenville.
Ciited: Lori A. Abel, 51, 333 Canterbury Blvd., Steubenville, red light violation; and Justin Harris, 27, Apartment 4, 2629 Whithaven Blvd., Steubenville, driving while suspended and expired registration.
Summoned: Robert L. Winston, 70, Apartment 17, 430 Canton Road, shoplifting; and Madelyn A. Mendoza, 37, 132 West McConnell Ave., loud noise.