
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Ladies’ night: An active fight between two women in the 1400 block of Maryland Avenue was reported, Friday. Police said they spoke with one of the women, who had a bloody lip but didn’t want to talk to them or receive medical attention.

Disruption: A man said he was being harassed and needed a police escort to leave a funeral service downtown because he was fearful there’d be an altercation, Saturday. He said he had a gun in his pocket. He left the area before police arrived but two individuals who were at the service said there was no disturbance. A representative of the funeral home said he’d been asked to leave the service, and he’d walked out with a female.

Slip ‘n slide: A woman told police she slid down Iva Way hill and ended up crashing into a garage in the 300 block of Linduff Avenue, Friday. Police said the vehicle crossed Linduff Avenue and traveled through a yard and part of a driveway, then went over a retaining wall before crashing into the garage. The vehicle had extensive front-end damage, and police said there was some damage to bricks on the house and scrapes and dents to the garage door but no structural damage to the residence.

Frequent flier: Members of a city church asked police to tell a woman who has been “entering the church and storing items in the basement” she is no longer welcome on the property, Saturday. When she was asked to leave and take her belongs with her, they said she “began to argue with staff and left, refusing to clean up the mess she had made.”

Two-in-one day: A city resident ended up being booked twice in the same day, Sunday. Police said Ciera S. Boyd, 37, no fixed address, was served with a warrant for her arrest on a petit theft charge (Municipal Court) and allegedly had a glass pipe in her backpack when they searched her. Boyd also was charged with petit theft after she allegedly “left the store with numerous items and did not make any attempt to pay for (them),” police said.

Strange tale: An Arlington Avenue woman told police a “crazy person” was on her front porch and she wanted him removed, Sunday. She said she was in her home when the man “pushed her out of the residence” and said her phone was still in the house. She said she knew him only as “Randy.”

Youthful driver: Someone reported seeing a “younger juvenile” driving a silver SUV, Saturday. Police checked the area but didn’t locate the vehicle.

Pilfered: Items were stolen from vehicles parked in the 900 block of Longford Drive, Friday. A man told police two of his vehicles had been entered and the ignition key to one of them was stolen, along with a key fob. Another resident said her wallet had been stolen from her unlocked car. She said her ID and bank cards were in it.

Ongoing issue: A Maryland Avenue resident who’s reported ongoing problems with neighborhood kids said one of them pointed what he and a female companion thought might be a Nerf gun, Friday. He wanted the report forwarded to the prosecutor, and when they spoke with the juvenile’s mother reminded her the man doesn’t want her kids on his property. Police said while they spoke with her they saw the juveniles holding “what appeared to be Nerf guns.”

Drugs: An apparent overdose was reported on Lincoln Avenue, Friday. Police said a family member administered two doses of Narcan prior to their arrival without success, but a third dose administered by Steubenville firefighters revived the individual, who was given an overdose treatment form and taken to the hospital.


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