
Police reports

Jefferson County Sheriff

King of the hill: Wintersville brothers are facing misdemeanor charges after an altercation, Monday. Deputies said Jessie Derric Fitzgerald, 20, and his older brother, Seth Carlton, both of 381 Frostview Drive were charged in Wintersville county court with domestic violence. A caller had reported the two were in the street “screaming at each other” and said one of them had been at his door asking him to call police. The brothers allegedy accused each other of being drunk and starting a fight over who was the better video game player, deputies reported. Each of them wanted to pursue charges.

Complaining: A Wintersville woman said tenants in her apartment complex are harassing her, Tuesday. She said a few weeks ago someone complained her son had threatened them and now he’s been banned and her son told her some neighbors claim she’s allowing her dog to defecate in the public hallway, which she denied. She said someone also told management she’s throwing garbage out her window into the woods but claims that’s also a lie and the only thing she’s dropped out her window was her cell phone, and it was an accident. She said she’s notified management of her concerns but also wants a police report on file.

Steubenville Police

Deal buster: A woman who rented a vehicle from Enterprise for a day failed to return it, Tuesday. Employees of the rental agency say the woman had paid for one day and was to have left it at a lot in Virginia, her destination, but hadn’t done so nor has she paid for additional days.

Stop it: A Belleview Boulevard resident said she found a kitten for sale on Facebook Marketplace and sent the seller $80 through Cash App, but then was informed the seller needed more money to cover shipping, Tuesday. She said she attempted to Cash App the additional money, but it kept getting rejected, so the seller told her to get Apple gift cards and take pictures of them. Since she sent her the money and the pictures, the victim said the “seller has ceased communication with her.”

Dog problem: A Maryland Avenue resident said she was cornered by two dogs and one of them bit her on her calf, Tuesday. She said she thinks the dogs’ owner lives on Ridge Avenue, but police were unable to make contact.

Drugs: Police were notified of a possible overdose in the 500 block of Ohio Street, Tuesday. Steubenville firefighters got there first and advised bystanders gave the woman Narcan and after she revived, she fled the area.


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