
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Time’s up: Two people who’d been warned to leave a property in the 600 block of North Fifth Street last week were still there after the 48-hour grace period granted by the property owner expired, Monday. Police said Randy G. Bake, 50, and Lacy E. Risdon, 32, neither of whom has a fixed address, each were charged with trespassing after the property manager discovered them on the property with two large tents and a broken down car on cinder blocks in the same place they were Friday. The property owner made arrangements to remove the items left on the property, police said. Later, callers complained of people going into another vacant property on the same block of North Fifth Street. Police located a man trespassing in the building and told him to leave and not return.

Hunger buster: Employees at Mr. Fuel told police a man wearing a toboggan and blue hoodie filled a bag with candy bars and Twisted Teas and when they confronted him, he dropped it and ran out the back door, Monday. They said it’s an ongoing issue with the man.

Dog dumped: An Oak Grove Avenue resident showed police video of a woman leaving a dog on her porch and walking away, Monday. The homeowner said she doesn’t know anyone with a dog. The puppy was taken to the animal shelter.

Couldn’t wait: A woman grabbed a prescription she hadn’t paid for and left CVS Pharmacy, Monday. Employees said the woman was to pick up five prescriptions but four of them weren’t ready. When they handed the woman the prescription that was ready she sat it by the cash register, but after waiting a few minutes she grabbed it and ran out of the store without paying the $10.10 it cost.

Bagged: Employees at Wal-Mart alleged a woman bagged $266 in merchandise and clothing at the self-checkout without scanning the tags and paying for the items, then tried to leave the store, Monday. Police said Atiya Rosser, 24, of Pittsburgh was booked for theft and served with a Belmont County warrant.

Off roading: A woman got her car stuck on the sidewalk in the alleyway behind the 2000 bock of Sunset Boulevard, Monday. Police had to help her free the vehicle.

Glass ceiling: A resident in the 400 block of South Sixth Street reported someone smashing bottles outside his home, Monday. He said he heard the sound of the glass breaking and when he looked outside saw several juveniles breaking bottles near his car. When they saw him come out of his residence the kids ran.

Shop runner: A woman tried to leave Kroger without paying for merchandise valued at about $100, Monday. They said she left the items behind in the lobby when she saw an employee and fled.

Fighting: A disturbance was reported in the 800 block of North Sixth Street, Monday. A woman told police she and her boyfriend had been arguing and he left with her phone after finding out police were there. She said the disagreement was strictly verbal.

Reported: Someone reported hearing shots fired in the 100 block of South Eighth Street, Monday. Police canvassed the area on foot and in cruisers but were unable to locate evidence of a disturbance.


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