Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McFadden

WEIRTON — Rosalie Granato and Matthew McFadden were united in marriage on Feb. 16 at Niagara Falls, N.Y. The ceremony took place outdoors with the falls as their backdrop.
The bride is the daughter of Donald and Kathy Granato of Weirton. She is a 2012 graduate of Madonna High School and a 2015 graduate of Duquesne University.
She is currently employed at Gordon Food Service as an operations assistant.
The groom is the son of Janice and the late E.R. McFadden of Wellsburg.
He is a 2008 graduate of Madonna High School and a 2012 graduate of West Liberty University. He is currently employed at Comfort Supply Inc. as an accounting manager.
The couple reside in Weirton.