
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Brown

WELLSBURG — Mr. and Mrs. William J. Brown of Wellsburg celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary with a family dinner at the home of their daughter. The couple married May 15, 1954, at the Wellsburg Presbyterian Church.

She is the former Donna Rae Newton, daughter of the late John and Lola Newton of Wellsburg, and step-daughter of the late Florence “Sammy” Ventresca. She retired from the Brooke County Clerk’s Office.

He is the son of the late Albert Raymond and Lavera Brown of Wellsburg. He retired from Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corp. then enjoyed a second career as a lay pastor for the Upper Ohio Valley Presbytery, serving several congregations throughout the area. They are the parents of two children, Nadine Brown of Follansbee, and Cathy (Bill) Cipriani of Wellsburg. The couple has five grandchildren: Rob (Brandi) Henderson, Jason Stewart, Spencer (Jaimie) Allemond, Emilee (Chris) Stewart and Max (Sarah) Allemond. They have seven great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.


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