
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Pearce

WEIRTON — Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Pearce of Weirton, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Jan. 4.

The couple was wed Jan. 4, 1974, at First Baptist Church in Weirton, with the Rev. John Cromwell officiating.

He is the son of Robert and Edna Pearce. He retired after more than 37 years of service with the city of Weirton, where he was the assistant director of water.

She is the daughter of Donald and Mary (Foley) McIntosh. She retired after more than 38 years of service with the United States Postal Service in Weirton, where she was a letter carrier.

The couple has two daughters, Elizabeth (Jeremy) Krise and Belinda Pearce of West Chester, Ohio. They have been blessed with two grandchildren, Matthew and Sydney Krise. They have two fur babies, Milo and Otis.

The couple celebrated their love and good fortune with a Caribbean cruise and were guests of honor at a family dinner party at Scaffidi’s Restaurant and Tavern.


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