
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Petrozzi

LEWIS CENTER — Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Petrozzi of Lewis Center, Ohio, formerly of Mingo Junction, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary May 5 with a blessing at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Westerville.

A family dinner, given by their children, was held at Vitoria’s Restaurant in Powell.

Petrozzi and the former Janice Colabelli were married on May 5, 1973 at Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Smithfield.

He is the son of the late Rocco and Minda Petrozzi. He is retired from the former Jefferson Community College.

She is the daughter of the late Bazie and Veronica Colabelli. Along with her husband, she was the owner of Paddy’s Diner in Mingo Junction for 27 years. She was the operating manager of the business and served as Mingo Junction’s income tax director.

They are the parents of three children: Rocco Petrozzi of Painesville; Joseph Petrozzi (Dalla) of Lewis Center; and Angela Leone (Dominic) of Lewis Center.

They have seven grandchildren: Sammy, Joey, Vinny, Madi, Joseph, Luca and Gianna.

The couple celebrated with a cruise to the Caribbean in May.


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