
Mr. and Mrs. William Linn

STEUBENVILLE — Mr. and Mrs. William Linn celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a dinner party at Froehlich’s Classic Corner. Immediate family and invited wedding party guests attended.

The couple were married Sept. 29, 1973, at St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Steubenville, with the Rev. David Tickerhoof, TOR, officiating. They are members of Holy Rosary Parish.

He is the son of the late Paul and Erma Criss Linn. He retired from a 43-year career in Weirton Steel’s quality assurance dept., concluding his career as a senior customer technical service rep. He is an Army veteran, having served from 1966-68.

She is the daughter of the late John and Helen Borsch. She graduated from the College of Steubenville with a bachelor’s in elementary education and obtained her master’s at Franciscan University of Steubenville. She enjoyed a 33-year teaching career, retiring from Holy Rosary Elementary School.

The Linns are the parents of three children, Melanie T. Linn, Steubenville; Matthew and Carrie (Linn) Branchick, Chicago; and Eric and Liza (Muto) Linn, Aspinwall, Pa.

They have five grandchildren: Helen, Sam and Jack Branchick; and Francesca and William Linn.


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